Misc. Select (Vol. 3)

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Side Note: Excluding my own artwork -- be it characters, logos, or etc. -- the following images are AI generated (which I do not profit from). While they're not entirely accurate, they do serve as a general idea / reference point. Also, some images may contain a supplementary description while others may not.




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The Revo-lutionists (aka Revos) are a ragtag group of adventurous individuals, who specialize in hunting monstrous entities known as Nightmares

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The Revo-lutionists (aka Revos) are a ragtag group of adventurous individuals, who specialize in hunting monstrous entities known as Nightmares. Their team name (made official at a later date) is derived from the Esperanto word meaning "reverie" or "daydream". As of currently, the party consists of 5 founding members:

1.) Umeme Cheetah: Field Agent

2.) Radi O. Peregrine: Field Agent

3.) Terra Enva: "Veteran" Field Agent

4.) Friska Harevoros: Tech Specialist / De-facto Leader

5.) Doc: Assistant Tech Specialist / Field Analyst



(12-Person Limit)

(12-Person Limit)

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