The cheetah and hare find themselves back home safe and sound. Well, "home" as in home planet -- not necessarily home land.
Friska: Okay, let's recap. We got sent all the way to Madagascar thanks to a green fiery portal made by... a slice of cake of all things?
Umeme: [continues to get groomed by one of the lemurs] Without question -- if anything were to ever top that, it'd be way too soon. (to the lemur) You-uh, you can go a little lower if you want. Your call.
Friska: Well, we know no one died, so I guess that's a win?
Umeme: Yeah, just as long as that cake never comes back. Alright, [takes some berries he picked from the tree recently out from his pocket] the sooner we find the others, the sooner we can head back home. [getting the lemur's attention, he tosses them over to a nearby bush grove, prompting the lil' fella to get off his back] Keep the change.
Friska: Hm. Y'know, ironically, me and my family's supposed to vacay here in a couple months. Guess I sorta got a head-start.
Umeme: Well, what's a quick vacation without a lil' "tour ride"? [assumes position] Hop on.
Friska: [plays along and proceeds to do so] Ah geez. And of all the days for my camera to not work.
Umeme lifts her up via piggyback, though she's not the only one on board this ride. Unbeknownst to either of them, a sly Watcherfly continues to play stowaway inside the jubatus' pocket. Well, extra load aside, Umeme sprints away at astonishing speeds, with Friska holding on tight.
Midst the start of their jungle joyride, Mother Nature's many obstacles do little to slow down her spot-coated child. A refreshing change of pace compared to the literal hell these two've been through. As the quick cat cruises across the killer canopy, both he and the hare look around for any signs of their friends (don't worry, fodder bots included).
Their speed-fueld search leads them far and wide, covering miles upon miles of tropical terrain. No stone goes unturned, and no vine goes unswung (nor ungrinded). The cheetah even uses them to take occasional ascents over the treetops, just in case an airborne ally or two could be spotted. And yet, pushing past half an hour later, there's still no sign of them.
Umeme: [checks to see if his phone's still on the fritz]... [yup]
Friska: Wanna take 5?
Umeme: ...
Having made his way up to a cliffside, Umeme hits the brakes. But having made zero progress, his patience hits the bricks.
Friska: [gets off] Welp, we've pretty much searched the whole place. I don't think they're here, Umeme.
Umeme: [puts faulty phone back in pocket] So much for that. Guess they ended up somewhere else on this island.
Friska: Yeah, 'bout that. I've been thinking, and it's possible that we're the only ones who ended up in Madagascar.
Umeme: What? Why just us?
Friska: I'm still not sure, but I am sure we're gonna find the others. If we head back to the lab, I can contact my rabbots and have them search for the rest of the gang. Beat's going on a wild goose chase, amirite?
Umeme: [scratches his head as he thinks about it]... (sighs) Friska, be honest with me.
Friska: (expecting a not-so optimistic question)...

The Roaming Storm
AdventureThe Roaming Storm is an homage/parody of the multimedia franchise Sonic the Hedgehog. As such, our story begins on Planet Immobi; A wicked, wild world home to anthropomorphic fauna of all forms. Among these "Immobians" are two 19-year-old adventurer...