S3E4: Quit Bugging Me, Will Ya?! ...for Bug#$% Off!

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By any chance there just so happens to be a parade going on, sorry for raining on it. However, no amount of downpour appears to be stopping an aircraft from marching through. More specifically, a helicopter -- currently transporting its passenger seen outside.

Yes, outside.

Anansi: [casually standing right under the chopper itself, doing so upside-down]...

Being a spider, he shows little to no struggle clinging on to such a surface -- even with all this rain. In regards to who's inside, that would be none other than his most trusted charter. (Aka, his only charter).

Poppy: [having already turned on the windshield wipers]... [suddenly hears some tapping from the right-side window]!

Said sound came from the arachnid, who then gives an "OK" signal to the suffolk. And with a two-fingered pistol signal in response, she proceeds to turn this baby around. As for Anansi, this is where he departs -- no landing necessary on her end. Springing right off the chopper, he now finds himself caught in a one-way trip down. Tens of thousands of feet away from an inevitable collision with the earth. Won't be all too long before then; So if that's the case, how's about we make it long?

Utilizing his superb webcraft, Anansi constructs a paraglider out of his own silk. A not too shabby one at that, from the canopy down to the harness. And in just mere moments of its manufacturing, the huntsman spider tames the howling wind into becoming his second steed. (Oh -- and don't worry, it's water-resistant too).

Less than an hour later, the arachnid's devil-may-care cruise begins nearing to a close. Upon gradual descent, it's revealed that his current location is the wetlands of Tanzania. As if this place couldn't get any wetter, here's today's forecast saying otherwise. Weather or not, Anansi's shown scouring from above -- putting each of his six eyes to work.

Anansi: ... [and soon enough, one of them spots something]?!

Not on the ground, mind you -- but rather, in the same sky he's descending from. Not too far off in the distance, unveiling from the thick clouds is what appears to be an aerial game of tag. Which right now consists of three players;

A flying sports car.

A hoverboarding avian.

And a big-ass bee tailing right behind them.

Anansi: ... (sighs heavily) Gonna be one a' those days, huh?

The spider extends out an arm, in aim of his moving target. And from his fingertips launches a slew of silk, jettisoned straight towards...

BBB: ...! [looks over to see strands of web stuck to its abdomen]

However, that's not as important as the latest round of feather bullets coming from Kavu. An annoyance at best, but a tolerable one thanks to its currently armored exoskeleton. And this buzz ain't stopping til it's all been worthwhile.

Kavu: [sending more rounds its way, but to no avail] Augh, nothin's shakin' this thing -- not even stealth mode! Any fresh ideas, sis?!

Eegun: [with the left window open] Still a work in progress! Maybe we could -- I dunno -- try- [just now notice something from her side-view mirror]! What the hell?...

Kavu looks back as well to see the answer, yet is caught equally by surprise. It would seem that Big Boi Bee is offering an arachnid one thrill-spilling parasail ride. Albeit not by choice.

Anansi: [holding on by literal threads] Thanks for saving me the trouble, big guy -- [extends his other arm out] but I'll take it from here.

In return for its secondhand generosity, Anansi gives the bee a second hand of webbing -- this time targeted directly at its flapping wings. Upon multiple shots, both wings become stuck to one another -- rendering the insect completely flightless. And as the ol' saying goes, what goes up...

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