Covering an entire width of the African continent is a massive stretch of lush jungle. Along with it are beautiful red flowers sprinkled about, standing as tall as the trees themselves. Such is the Great Green Wall, the 8th Wonder of the World. And quite a sight to behold.
In fact -- it's being done right now by various sightseers, all occupying a moving train. One of many that belong to G.G.Junction; A railway network built within this gargantuan garden (aka tourist attraction). As the passengers on board take in the lovely red/greenery rushing by, the same can't quite be said for some passengers "above" board.
At first glance, there appears to be no one on top this tropical locomotive. But when shifting over to the color-drained reality that is Mirror Space, its current occupants can be seen as clear as day. MirriM and Rubby, currently sitting together. "Together" being used very loosely -- or in her case, the opposite.
Making sure MirriM doesn't fall off (or pull a fast one on her) she has him roped up by the upper body with her own tail. This renders him both bound to her and unable to draw his Ida blades.
MirriM: ...
Rubby: [growing more impatient by the second]... (squeak-squeak)?!
MirriM White: We're taking this ride cuz it's the quickest way to our stash.
Rubby: [pouts in a big puff]!
MirriM Black: You sure, Whitey? I was just starting to enjoy all that bouncing around. 'Lot less boring compared to this.
Rubby: ... [pout-puff lessens a bit]
MirriM White: (spitefully) Yes, I'm sure. Just have patience, alright?
MirriM Black: (scoffs) If I had a nickel for every time you said "patience". I'd probably have nickel poisoning by now.
MirriM White: Wouldn't that be lovely?
Regardless, the two Nightmares continue to wait until they've reached their "destination".
MirriM & Rubby: ...
Rubby: (starts whistling a rubber-hose tune)♪♪♪
MirriM Black: ... (via thoughts) You know this is pointless, right? Edging her on for this long without any payoff? It's just gonna piss her off even more.
MirriM White: (same) Yet here I am figuring out how to get your tooth back before it happens.
MirriM Black: (same) Wouldn't need to if you didn't beg for your life back at that desert.
MirriM White: ...
The train now treads across a long bridge way above the treetops. Long enough for the passengers inside to enjoy the open scenery.
MirriM White: ... (via thoughts) I didn't be-
MirriM Black: (same) I didn't beg. You just gave her an excuse not to kill us yet. And if we don't get that tooth back soon, what good will buying time even do us?
MirriM White: ... (same) W-
The internal dialogue is cut short from the sudden arrival of something, catching not only MirriM and Rubby's attention, but all the passengers' as well. Having long since shattered the sound barrier, yet stopping on a dime with little inertia, it appears to be some sort of large military aircraft. One that now hovers several meters above the Great Green Wall.

The Roaming Storm
AdventureThe Roaming Storm is an homage/parody of the multimedia franchise Sonic the Hedgehog. As such, our story begins on Planet Immobi; A wicked, wild world home to anthropomorphic fauna of all forms. Among these "Immobians" are two 19-year-old adventurer...