S1E10: ediS rehtO ehT rof... rorriM ,rorriM

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A hot-as-hell morning in Cameroon features busy vehicles treading the road, extending far across the rainforest. One vehicle in particular is a white Suzuki Swift, ridden by an Immobian African black swift. So far, nothing out of the ordinary, that is until the scene suddenly shifts out of the ordinary. The surrounding area, the surrounding everything -- what was originally brimming with color now appears to be completely monochrome. Varying shades of gray amount to a lifeless-looking reality; though not entirely lifeless, for the cars are still moving as if nothing's changed. However, going back to the Suzuki Swift, unbeknownst to the driver, he has a passenger laying leisurely on top of his car. Care to guess who that is?

MirriM Black: (bored groan)...

MirriM White: (snoozing groan)...

MirriM Black: ...

MirriM Black takes a brief yet considerate look at a fly crawling about on his arm. After doing so, he begins to shake his other half, gradually increasing in rapidity until he finally wakes up.

MirriM White: ... What?

MirriM Black: I'm bored.

MirriM White: Hello "Bored", I'm "Going Back to Sleep".

"Going Back to Sleep" gets ready to live up to his name once more, only to get rudely awakened again -- this time by the air horn of a truck behind the car. Switching lanes, the driver makes way for the incoming truck, which reveals itself to be a soda truck carrying the brand "Pola Cola". While the white half is disgruntled from the loud noise, the black half takes notice of the truck. More specifically, what lies inside.

MirriM Black: [under the brutally baking heat, cracking open a cold one sounds sirenly tempting] Hm... I could go for a drink right about now. Could you?

MirriM White: [takes notice as well]... (sighs as he scratches his horn) Sure, why not? I'm already up.

MirriM White firmly grips his horn and pulls it straight out of his head, revealing it to be merely the hilt of a single-edged Ida sword. A rather bizarre place to keep a weapon -- but at this point, what Nightmare isn't bizarre? Said Nightmare stands up and turns towards the passing truck. But before he can do anything, MirriM exits his "Mirror Space" (via the car's reflection) and enters Regular Space.

With the exception of the swift driver, a few drivers from behind take surprised notice at someone standing on a moving vehicle while raising a sword up-high. After jumping off from the Swift, in a lightning quick down-low, MirriM White creates a clear cut half out of the entire cargo hold. The resulting slice causes the back half to come to a scraping halt across the asphalt, spilling out loads of soda boxes. This in turn forces many cars from the back to respond with screeching brakes, as well as several colliding breaks.

As for the front half (also spilling out) the sudden shift in weight causes the truck driver to accelerate, prompting him to pull the brakes. Unfortunately, he's not the only one aboard the front half. Heading over to the hood area -- with the black half holding a box of soda -- MirriM White drives his sword straight through the metallic exterior, piercing the truck's engine. The driver shouts in shock at what he's witnessing, only for it to be brief, as the Nightmare quickly vanishes via the hood's reflection. Seconds after the engine's penetration, it blows off the hood area in a roaring blaze, causing the driver to lose focus on his steering. The front half of the truck soon comes tumbling down to the side, spiraling like a fireball towards MirriM's ride. The driver tries to veer away, but he unfortunately becomes more... acquainted with the truck.

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