Side Note: Excluding my own character / logo designs, the following images are AI generated (which I do not profit from, by the way). Not all of these locations look 100% accurate to what the writing suggests; Nor might certain places be subject to appear in the story. They're merely here to help flesh out the world (plus universe) these characters inhabit.
(Planet Immobi)
This planet goes by many names. Earth, Planet o' Freedom, Chiaroscuro Gaia, The Cool Blue Rock, and so on. But for reasons unknown, its main name was derived from the Latin phrase "obiectus immobilis" (immovable object). Which is rather ironic, considering that it's a world of constant change and motion. What planet isn't?
Its main native inhabitants are none other than the Immobians. Scientific Name: N/A. (As an example, Immobian cheetahs remain classified as "Acinonyx jubatus"). Other names include: Zoans, Beastmen, Fauna Folk, Indu-Moha, The Erect Ones, etc.
Immobians are a collective race of sapient, generally bipedal animals of various shapes and sizes. As well as various powers and abilities -- though that depends on either the individual or their respective species. And regardless of what species they are, they all share a special gene responsible for their baseline appearance. Two arms, two legs, four digits for each hand (one extra for primates), all that jazz. It's called the Luca-SHH, named after the "Last Universal Common Ancestor" of all life on Immobi. Small world, huh?
Speaking of which -- other coexisting species include the Immobics, their non-sapient counterparts. Hunted for food, kept for companionship, trained for labor, or simply living for the sake of living. Though referred to as just regular animals, it doesn't change the fact that they served as precursors for what came after. And while these classics have remained relatively unchanged over the course of evolution, the "moderns" got to diverge into something much more.
The current year is 2191.
(Chadian Savannah)
The Roaming Storm
AdventureThe Roaming Storm is an homage/parody of the multimedia franchise Sonic the Hedgehog. As such, our story begins on Planet Immobi; A wicked, wild world home to anthropomorphic fauna of all forms. Among these "Immobians" are two 19-year-old adventurer...