S1E3: Hello, Planet Immobi ...for Moonfall

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Lush. Vibrant. Beautiful. All of these words and more make up the open wilds of Africa. Take in as much of nature's majesty as possible, because it's soon overshadowed by the grand moon set above the night sky. This is no ordinary moon, however, for its entire structure appears drenched and coated in pitch blackness. As the "heavenly" body positions itself, creatures both sapient and otherwise (Immobian and Immobic) all bear witness to an event high amongst the stars. At least, the ones that are wide awake -- but it's more than plenty as an audience. Said event commences when something deep from within the black moon begins to awaken from its megaannum long slumber.

To contrast its own pitch dark complexion, the moon begins to glow in an ominous aura of purple light. And amidst that aura, a lone eye of gargantuan size opens wide with a soul piercing stare. Catching sight of this from below, the inhabitants are fraught with awe, a swirling clash of fear versus wonder. Some wish to look away, while others can't help but keep looking. Either way, they see the moon's aura expanding at a terrifying rate, to the point where the sky shifts from a midnight blue to a dead-of-night purple. The unsettling transition of color has the viewing fauna even more on edge, and yet there was still more to come.

Amidst the intense glow produced by the moon, it also produces tear-like streaks of purple light. These streaks begin in tens, but then tens turn to hundreds, and then hundreds turn to thousands -- rippling off every corner of the celestial body. Their destination: Africa.

Actually, that's quite an understatement; these streaks of light head not only for Africa, but split up in droves towards all corners of the planet. Within each individual streak, a process takes place in which they slowly but steadily take on a physical form. These forms vary tremendously, ranging from large, small, scaly, slimy, sharp clawed, sharp toothed, multiple limbs, no limbs, .cte, etc. However, a majority of them share a similar trait in having inky black sclera with bright purple irises. All of them -- every last one -- are unholy creatures birthed by the ungodly one-eyed moon.

Even when so far away, their inevitable arrival can be seen as clear as day by many of Africa's inhabitants, including a single jellyfish on top of a cliff. Hm... interesting. Compared to other jellyfish, this one appears to be a far cry from ordinary (anthropomorphism aside). Its entire body is shaded in a gold color, as gold as the most precious of rings. And despite being short in stature, it makes up for it by floating in midair. All while glowing like a candle amidst the dreary dark of night. Unlike the otherworldly monstrosities descending from above, this being in particular is a different brand of otherworldly. But before their arrival to this world...


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Fast forward -- 9,998 years (plus a 2 year time-skip) into the present. The year 2191 to be exact, where the distant moon is shown to be completely different. Its entire structure is painted in an array of greys, and its enormous eye appears erased from view -- nowhere to be seen. Strange, it's almost as if it never even had one to begin with.

Whatever the case, the scene then scrolls down to a long, hot road along the savannah of Chad, Africa -- to which a car is currently driving on. Inside is an Immobian impala, shown casually minding his own business as he listens to some "Wild Grind Radio" -- on the radio. That is until he suddenly hears some tapping on the right-side windshield. The impala unveils the windshield and sees that the tapping came from a cheetah, running along the road at speeds matching that of the car. The cheetah greets him with a waving hand, and in turn, the impala waves at him back despite the initial spook. With that done, the cheetah starts to emit sparks of yellow electricity around his moving body. Essentially charging himself up until he accelerates to greater speeds and surpasses the car, catching the driver by surprise as he sees him dash off.

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