Chapter 3 | Kyojuro Rengoku & his Tsuguko

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"Kyojuro Rengoku...Thank you ,I owe you now my life. " Ah so she can talk . I thought that she is deef. I smile to her but she turned back and walk away.
"Wait ,I didn't get your name !" I stop her. No response. She was standing still ,didn't turn her way. Maybe she has problem with talking. It was silence but then sudenlly she spoke.
"...Y/N L/N" She said coldly to me. I noticed a blood on the ground. As my eyes walk where the blood come from it was someone head. Maybe she feel bad for this man.
"Ah ! I'm sorry I didn't make in time to protec your man-" before I could finish. She interupted me
"It's okay , don't worry" that suprised me a little .The silence took 5 minutes.
"I have to say ... as someone who doesn't look like demon slayer ,You're really creative to tried cut demon with branch" I chuckle at this sentance. Not every day you see woman who tried to cut demons head with branch but yet it's still creative. "May I ask how do you know how to kill demon ?" However I do was curious because no one beside demon slayers know how to kill them. It took her while.
"My onii-chan taught me that.." Her eyes very blank. It seems that the reason why not talkative is because about her past.
"I guess ,I have to go back home" she too more gloomy than before "And wait tell I get sold again..." I widened my eyes when she mumbled this to herself. That's explain why she didn't seem upset about her fiance death. I feel.really sorry. What if I...
"What about you become my Tsuguko ? "As I shout out that she looked suprised. "I've seen you're strong and creative and I couldn't think about someone else than you!" I grin to her. Her E/C widened
"T-Tsuguko ? " She ask like she didn't know if my words were real.
"Yes , but before that I need to train you to see if you woth it, but I see in your eyes that you're worth it !" I crossed my arms. She looke like little kid who didn't know what it did.
"But are you sure ? I mean I'm not even a demon slayer and now you want me to became your Tsuguko ? " she said this very quick. I guess she is adorable when she's nervous. I chuckle at her action and I pat her head. She was suprised at my action, but I guess she felt confortable around me .
"You arleady show me your bravness ! I couldn't think about someone else than you!" As I said that she give me little smile.She did something unexpected she bowned to me.
"Thank you, master Rengoku !" She tried to grin to me.I can feel flame in her heart,maybe not strong one but a little . I need to warm this flame in her heart .
"No need to be formal to me ,my little flame !" I give her smile
"No need to be formal to me ,my little flame !" master Rengoku speak. I blush at this new name. He is really kind person and very optymistic man. I wish I could be like him. Strong ,brave ,optymistic and kind. As we stay like this my stomach rumbled. Shit I hope he didn't heard that but soon his own stomach rumbled aswell.
"Guess we both are hungry ! We should eat something !" He shout it out As he kept walking on West. I didn't move he noticed that. "Is something wrong ,my little flame ?" he seems worried that I didn't cotinued walk with him. I didn't dare to look in his eyes. I felt ashmed that he has to offer me a food. We stay silence for 5 minutes.
"I-it just I-I can't acctept this offer from you master Rengoku..." I finally managed to finally said. He smirk to me and grab my wrist.
"It's okay , my little flame , one day you will offer me a food too" I just sigh. I couldn't fight back to him. So I just noded and go after him

Timeskip 20 minutes later

Me and master Rengoku made a seat in one restaurant. We had order our food . I still can't beleive what's happening. Before I was going to be sold and get married and now I'm going to be flame hashira's tsuguko. We had to wait 5 minutes for our food after that we got our bowl of udon. As I was about to start eat ,master Rengoku took the first bite.
"TASTY ! " He scream. All people keep looking at him like he was crazy , but I didn't mind it. He continued eating and screaming "Tasty" all over. I guess he really do loves eating . As I keep staring at him I got caught by him. I turn my eyes in difrent way. "Is something is on my face ?" He grin to me. Shit , shit I need to say something.

𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 | Kyojuro Rengoku x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now