Chapter 9 | First mission

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My Kasugai crow leads me to the village ,where  demon was. I have learn that my crow was a girl. She loves eating food.  Once on time I catch her stealing my food. I told her that she can't do that istead ask someone for permission but  got mad at me and start flying faster. It took us a day to get there. The village was small. I noticed a couple with a man on the ground. The other man had his hand in blood while the other on the ground had nosebleed. It seems that both got in fjght. The woman was crying as she tried to stop her partner. I come quickly to them and as the man was about to hit the other then I approach. I grab him by wrist. He widned his eye and turn his head to mine.
"YOU WHORE , DON'T INTERUPT US !" The man shout out as he tried to push me. I didn't let at his wrist. My strengbt on his wrist  got more thigten. He finally calm himself down so I let go of his hand.
"Honey ,please let's go home and leave this child alone " the woman tried to convince him. To my suprised he didn't fight back and made his way to his wife. Both of them had disappear ,then I gave for the boy hand.
"You didn't had to do that ,after all nobody wantd to believe it ,that I had seen a demon-" I widned my eyes. So he saw demon
" I believe you !" I was suprised when I said this loud. It's always hard to me when I talk to someone else than Senjuro or master Kyojuro . "please ,tell me more details !" It's more sounds like order than request. The man was scared to tell me but soon leads me to his house . I have followed him to his house. The bruise on his face was really bad , I felt for him sorry but I must remember I'm on my first mission. As we both reach to his house he made his way to sit on tatami. I widen my eyes as I saw sorrow in his eyes.

"It is my fault , I should help her ,instead I run away as coward when the demon eat my fiance" tears start forming in his eyes. I sat there silent watching him breaking up. I didn't know what to do or even what to said. It comes to my mind whenever I felt gulty master Kyojuro conforts me by hugging. Unlike him ,I'm not loud and don't show my emotion. "I should be the one who died ,not her-" before he could finish I interupt him "DON'T SAY THAT !" I yell at him as he widen his eyes at this. "You didn't act like coward, if you wouldn't run away you could be dead aswell ! But thanks to you now we can avenged your fiance death !" I finally finish my speach. I was analazing his expression. Tears was felling down from his eyes. Why is he crying ? I don't hnderstand that what have I done  wrong.Why can't I be like master Kyojuro?  Why I always have to mess up things-
"Y-you're right , I will show you where it all happened! " he wiped away his tears as he finally stood and made his way to door.


I was following the man to place where demon attack. To my suprised it took us 1 hour of walking ,what kind of couple goes that far away from home ? As we continued walking I heard something.I grab his hand to pull him behind me . The man wanted to scream but I cover his mouth with my hand.

"Shh I heard something , please stay here " I whisper to him and hide behind brush. I noticed it was normal couple who were walking togheter by side. Both of them enjoy their company and smile. I think It's not a demon so I tried to made my way back to the man who I left. As both of them reach to the nearest shadow. The woman was captured by someone in shadows. She tried her best to get away from it but it was pointless and she gave up. The hands from shadow pull her closer and closer . The man who companied her tried his best to save her but as well failed and he was as well dragged to the shadow. I run as fast as I could to save them. I need to save them both.

"Flame breathing second Form, Rising Scorching Sun" I managed to cut the demon hands to rescue the couple. Both of them fall down on the ground. The demons finally show up from the shadow .One of them was little boy with black to white hair. He wear a green kimono.

"Sister are you okay ?" His hands slowly regenerated. I see, there is more than one demon. I look behind and see the demon girl who her hands also regenerated . She was angry

"Ahhh!! Why this demon slayer has to apeared now when we was about to eat ? Curse you ! Curse you !!" She shout out as she was about to attack the couple again with her claws. I managed to block her attack and cut her hand once again.

"Both of you run away from her , you disturbing me." The man nodded as he grab his girlfriend hand and run away. Both demons was angry especailly little girl

"Brother! That slayer made me pissed do something !" She shout out as she waited to regenarate her hand . The demon nodded and quickly goes into shadow. I widned my eyes . That kid is damn fast . He sudenlly appeared behind me and wanted to attack from behind but I quickly jump into tree.But sudenlly I felt someone pulling me into a shadow. It was probably the brother I need to do something but his hands are strong I can't get away. Sudenlly someone throw rock at their eyes. The boy come out from the shadow . It's now my chance !

"Flame breathing third Form Blazing Universe " I attack from the jump and managed to cut his head. I jump from the tree as the head was rolling down and burn. The boy had tears in his eyes ,I take a look as I saw him whine .

"Sister! Sister! where are you ?! " he take a look to his sister ,who captured tha man who help me. I took a look

"Ha, do you really though that I would share with you some food ?" She laugh at this question ,her brother widned his eyes as he noticed the true self of his sister. "You're usless , I'm actually glad that you're gonna die like this " The head of her brother was almost disapeared. I felt for him sorry, he was just doing what his sister has told him. That's how all siblings would do but yet that brat was not satsfited. I shouldn't let my emotion take control me . Beside I need to remeber to not feel mercy for any demon. "In the end I win since now I will consume some-"

"Flame breathing First Form Unknowing Fire" before she could finish her sentence I quickly cut her head off by using first form of flame breathing. The man fell down to the ground as he was about to catch his breath. I turn my way to see that brat.

"Waaah !!! B-but how you w-were so fast ?! I hate you even more now !" She was pissed but I was glad that I could save the people and complite my mission. Her head was slowly burning "It's my brother fault isn't it ? I was right he is us-"

"you should be thankful , to even had a brother like him , you brat !" I interupt her as I finally walk away to check if the man was alright. She realized what I had just said as she widned her eyes and start crying but soon her head has disappeared. I give the hand to that man, he was now happy that I avenged his fiance death.

"Thank you , for avenged my fiance death ." He slowly stood "Now she can rest in peace, I guess " he had still sad expression on his face. I guess I need somehow comfort him. I put my hand on his shoulder , which is made him widen his eyes . and I did what always master Kyojuro was doing to me . I grin to him "I should thank you , for your trust " I pulled away my hand and made my way to leave him. Soon when I had left the forest my kasugai crow had flown to me

"KRAA A MISSION ,MAKE YOUR WAY TO THE NORTH THERE IS A DEMON WHO ATTACK A VILAGE KRAA" She was still flying around making circles " YOU WILL ACOPANNY WITH FLAME HASHIRA KRAA" I widen my eyes. My new mission with master Kyojuro is this a dream-

"Ah there you are , my little flame how was your first mission ?" I almost jump out when I noticed master Kyojuro near me. He laugh at my reaction.

"M-master Kyojuro how-" Before I could even finish he interupt me

"Your Kasugai crow show me where you are, although you need to teach her some maners for not stealing my food ha ha ! " I felt embarrassed by my crow action ,but instead of anything she just turn her head away as she was offended. I scold her for that but master Kyojuro was just watching us and laughting at this. As I finally finish "We should get going on our first togheter mission , my little flame " I nodded and walk with him.

My next mission is with master Kyojuro , I promise I will make him proud !

N / A: Hello everyone, hope you enjoy reading this chapter, sorry for long not updating this story but I was very sick and I couldn't thought about anything to write again I'm very sorry

𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 | Kyojuro Rengoku x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now