Chapter 18 | Good enough [LEMON]

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It pass week since ,I visit lady Ruka's grave. By then Kyojuro insisted to visit my brother's grave. Of course I told him that he doesn't need to do that but he responsed to me that it would be honor to him to meet his girlfriend's brother who was heroic. I couldn't say no to him , of course he declared to my onii-chan that he will always protect me and made me happy everyday. I just chuckle at this. Today ,as I wake up first ,I just adores how handsome Kyojuro is. We bith decited to share our futon togheter. We didn't thought about marriage for now. I was still thinking about one thing. Of course we shared our bed togheter but we never did one thing. Our relationship consisted of kissing ,hugging and etc. We never done something more physically. I want to move on but yet I'm scared. I can't stop thinking what in past others men done to me . Their hands on my body ,touching without permission was disgusting. But when they all find out qbout my scar and brusises they left me home.But I know that Kyojuro is different. Today I wake up first then Kyojuro , I tried to get up first but I have fail because he hold me thiglty., I sigh to this. I start to brush his hair away from his face ,carefully to not wake him up. I smiled ,how handsome he look.I stay like this for a while, I decited to place my lips on his cheek to give him kiss.As I return to go back sleep I hear his voice.
"Morning ,sunflower thank you for the kiss." He said that with a little hoarse voice. I was so embarrased ,that I  hide my face in his warm chest. Kyojuro chuckle at this.
"I'm so sorry Kyojuro,  I didn't meant to wake you up." I felt bad for this. But he cup my cheek.
"It was pleasure been wake up ilike that ,thought I want to been walking up like that everyday !" He said that with his usual exustatic voice. After the battle with Akaza ,some of his injuries got heald. Now there are scars ,though I think they're very hot. As I heard those words I cover my face in his chest and mumble his name ,which I got a chuckle in return. After we stayed like this for sone minutes he finally pulled my hands away from my face . He placed them on his chest when he put me to lay on back . His face syaryed to get closer to mine. My cheeks turned red but I like that . Soon his lips meet mine as he beggin to kiss me . From the sweet Innocent kiss it turn out to be more heat up and pasionated.We were like this for a while. He then did something that supprised me , he push his tongue to my mouth. I moan at this action but I like it. As he heard that ,he has stopped his action and moved away from me.
"I'm sorry , it was pretty rude of me to kiss lady like you like that." He turned his back, I couldn't see his face but something was wrong with him.. I hear tension in his voice. I get up from the bed and fix my yukata. I felt like I did somethinjg wrong to upset.
"I will go take clothes and do laundry" He didn't repliedbut just nodded. I wonder what's got into him.But I guees I won't ask him about this. I took a clothes and left the room.


Shit! What's got into me ? I shouldn't let my desires take control over me. But in other hand I like that and the fact that she moan makes want her even more. As I was thinking about this,I felt kinda weird. I look down and oh...Uzui once told me it's normal for a man to felt that's way to a woman. But I know Y/N and her past and I don't want to be a selfish for that. I tried to forget about this feelings and move on , but I can't. My whole minds were dirty. The heat starts to grown even more, and I felt uncofortable down. I sudenlly remebered some tips that Uzui once gave. I quickly went to bathroom. I can't let Y/N hear that. I close the door. I tried to take off my pants. This should be quick right ? As I did, I still felt tight on my crotch. So I take off my underwear, I slightly moan at this. My erection just pop out. It's was hard. My breaths were really heavy. I tried to stroke it as I imagine that was Y/N hand not mine.
"A-ah Y/N...." I moan as I started to stroke even faster. My whole minds were cover by a dirty thoughts of Y/N. Her body aganist mine and doing pleasure to me. As I continued that I felt like I was close.Soon everything ends .My moans were really loud. I just continued mubled her name all over as I felt cumming. I felt much better after doing that. I brought some cloth to wash up the mess I did.  I put on my underwear and pants , like they were before. I finally oppened the door from the bathroom but for my suprise ,she was standing in front of me. I widned my eyes as I notice Y/N stands here.
I was speachless about this . Of course I do fantazies about Kyojuro as the woman could fantazies about man but I was too afraid to confrint with him. But in other hand I like what I heard before and I want to hear more.
"M-my little flame I-I can explai-"before he can finish ,I make a step to him. He was still all red.
"Why didn't you asked me to help you ?" I ask .My question made him supprised "you know I wouldn't mind if you use me-"before I could finished he interupt me.
"Because that wouldn't be fair!" His explanation made me now supprised "Using you for my own plasure is not polite besides that's not love if I use you for something like that."He made some steps closer to me. I was still in shock with his words "My little flame...I wluld never use you for something like that ,I would ask you first if you want and if you don't agree ,I wouldn't be angry." My tears start to forming in my eyes . He put his hand on my cheek as he rub some tears. I wasn't supprised by his comfession but yet those words always made my hear melt. Of course I whip off some tears.

𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 | Kyojuro Rengoku x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now