Chapter 15 |Upper moon 3 Akaza

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What on earth upper moon 3 would do here ? what is his purpose here. I never meet in my live any of upper moons  but I heard they've had a lot of Kibutsuji blood. Kyojuro quickly grab his sword and was waiting if the demon would attack.Even thought I'm not a hashira ,I need to do the same thing to protect people and Tanjiro, who's hurt. Before I could even react properly , The demon was about to attack Tanjiro.But Kyojuro has used a second form of flame breathing and cut demons arm in half. The upper moon 3 jump off in return . I get up , he was so fast. His arm quickly regenerate .To a lower moon or a normal demon regeneration would take a longer time meanwhile to upper moon it comes very quickly.

"Nice sword." The demon with pink hair spoke. Then he lick the blood from his hand . It's disgusting. I just frown

"I don't understand why you would target a wounded person." Kyojuro replied .His thone was way serious but I could hear in his voice a little of nervous. No wonder it's also his first time with upper moon .Especially with number 3.

"I thought he'd get in the way of our conversation." The demon laugh at Kyojuro. That made him a little bit angry.

"What could you and I have to talk about ? It's our first meeting but I already hate you. "Kyojuro replied to his talk.

"Really ? I hate weak humans too. Weaklings make me sick." The upper moon said with smile . He then look at me .I stiffened at this , It was very uncomfortable. He was analzing me but the his attention turn to Kyojuro. I saw Kyojuro just frown at this.

"It seems we have diferent moral values"He said that as he sigh.I didn't said anything , I just wanted to stay silence.

"Then I have a great  proposal for you. How about you become a demon too?" Before he could even finished his question Kyojuro quickly interupt.

"No way!" He just forwn at his question.

"I knew it the instant I saw you. From your strength, you must be a Hashira ? That fighting spirit of yours is refined, and you're getting closer to the supreme realm." The demon said.

"I am Flame Hashira , Kyojuro Rengoku" Kyojuro said.

"I'm Akaza"The demon introduced himself "Kyojuro, I'll tell you why haven't crossed into the supreme realm.It's because you're just a human. You will grow old, and eventually die.: As he finished his talk he give hand to Kyojuro. "Become a demon, Kyojuro.If you do , for a hundred or even 200 years, you can continue training, and become stronger." I widned my eyes at this. I know Kyojuro for long time now,and I knew it what is importan to him because he has taught me of his value-.

"Growing old and dying is what gives meaning, and beauty , to the fleeting span of a human life.It's precisely because we age, and die,that our lives have value and nobility. Strenght is not a word meant only to be used with regard to the flesh.This boy isn't weak.Don't insult him.I'll say it again,we have different values. I won't become a demon, no matter what." Kyojuro finish his speach . I knew it he wouldn't agree to this demon. I was glad as his eyes turn to check me. The demon expression changed, His smiled disappear and was . He was look like he was disgust.

"I see." It was all what he said. He prepear his blood demon art to fight."If you don't want to become a demon then I'll just kill you." I grab mine nichiri sword.But what Kyojuro was about to said shock me a little.

"Y/N ,stay back ,my duty as hashira is to protect you aswell." I widned my eyes ,he was serious.

"But-" before I could said he quickly interupt me .

𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 | Kyojuro Rengoku x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now