Chapter 11 | Kanao Tsuyuri

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Time has passed so much from that event. I have killed so much demons that now my rank is Tsuchinoe. I become  much closer to Kyojuro-san ,were are more like friends now. I acctept his will to not call him master. But in the end I feel weird around him. It's like I had butterflys in stomach. My cheeks got even redier than before they could around him. Am I sick or what? I mean I shouldn't feel this way to him right ? After all I'm so greatful to him because if I never met Kyojuro-san  my life wouldn't be so much better. Today I was training very hard with him. We had decited to do sparing. He knew some of my movments but I decited to shock him with some of others new. As he can predict mine I can predict his movments. We've been sparing for almost 3 hours that we didn't noticed Senjuro with food. We've finally put our nichiri sword away.

"Hah It was amazing training  don't you think ,my little flame ?" As usual Kyojuro-san laugh with his loud voice. I chuckle at this and nodded.

"Yes , It was Kyojuro-san" I agree with him as he return to me one of his warm smile.We took a break to eat. The young Rengoku has made his brothet favourite food sweet potato. They were also my favourite. Well it's not like I love eating but sseing Kyojuro happy over them ,make me warm inside. Not to mention whenever he scream 'tasty' it make me laugh. " What time is it now?" I ask to make sure I'm not late. Today I decited to visit my onii-chan grave and I wantend to make it on time.

"I guess it's 11 am ,why ?" Kyojuro anwser my question. I almost choke as I heard  that. I have inly 20 minutes to make in time. I quickly finish eating. And start to get going. I noticed Kyojuro and Senjuro face. The were confused.
" N-no reason" I scream in panic and quickly run away.

I was kinda confused ,why Y/N run so quickly . Maybe she need to do something   , I trust that she won't do something  irrational.
"She probably hide  something from us " My mind were cut when heard my younger brother voice. I shake my head .
"I don't think she hide something from us , she just need to go somewhere "" itried to convinced Senjuro to not interupt Y/N . If she sometimes need a time soend alone then I shouldn't mind this. Senjuro friwned I guess I didn't  convinced him.
"Maybe you should follow her ," I chooke at this sentance.  I mean me folliw Y/N
"Oh no no no Senjuro ,that's rude to  follow someone-" before I could finish Senjuro has made puppy eyes that always work on me. I guess I didn't have other choice "Okay but only this time !" As said he start to hug me I return a hug . Hah he always had a way to convince me ,what a clever guy he is.


I finally reached the place where Y/N was. To my suprised she was on cemetary. As I finally noticed Y/N , I hide myself behind tree. I didn't wanted her to though that I stalk her anything. She has starting into only one grave ,I take a look and it was her brother grave.
"Hello onii-chan ,how are you there " She finally sit in front of the grave. Ah so she was talking to her brother. "I'm sorry that I haven't talk to you so long but I've been training with Kyojuro " I widned my eyes when I heard my name. "Kyojuro-san is a good person ,I actually I'm so greatful to him because my life got better than before" She has explain to grave. I'm glad that I could change her life.  To show her the flame that's burn nside me should burn in her too "There was some time that I doubt in myself but Kyojuro-san was there for me ,I think he's amazing and handsome  person and he always make me happy " She continued her monologue as I heard that last sentance and my cheeks got reddier. She thought I'm amazing and handsome. Did she meant this as a friend or what I'm thinking but yet why my heart beat so fast at this. I remember when my mother used to call that my father but could Y/N been in love with me ? I need to stop this feelings and go before she noticed me. As I took one step , I heard a familar voice "Kyojuro-san I know you there ,come join me " I widned my eyes . So she has knew that I was there all a long and didn't do anything , what a clever girl. So I had approach her and sit next to her.
"Hello ,my little flame ,the weather is beautiful today don't you think ?" I hope she didn't ask me why I was watcging her. But she chuckle at me , I felt more embarrased than before. She has nod at my question
"Yes it is ,but what was the reason that you have been watching me ?" She finally ask. I could tell she wasn't angry at me but yet she keep smiling . To be honest her smile is beautiful, It js something that I could watch every day.  I need to be with her honest
"Senjuro was really worried about you ,so he has ask me if I could look after you , I swear I didn't meant to do something irrational." I finally explain but before she could said something our Kasugai crows has flown to us

𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 | Kyojuro Rengoku x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now