Chapter 6 |Mitsuri Kanroji

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It's been a week since master Kyojuro went on mision with love hashira. It made me kinda worried but then I remeber that's he will be fine. Me and Senjuro now become more close than before. He watch me durning the traning and gives me food and I help him with cleaning and making food . I though him some new recipe which made him happy. In the morrning when I was traning I noticed the young boy is sweeping the ground.I grab the broom and help him. He smiled to me

"Y/N , you know you don't  have to do it " He slowly said "You should train more for your final selection-" before he culd finish I interupt him as I shake my head in refuse

"I can't just watch you cleaning by yourself , I do want to help you " I smile to him back. I can guess my conversation with Senjuro got better. Now I talk to him very often.  "Besides I was training on 1 a.m" I may look little tired but I'm used to it's better to have 1 hours of sleeping than none. The boy was shock of what I just said.

"Y/N, I think you should sleep more often . You need to regenerate your energy for your training " Senjuro look worried.I nodded . maybe I was stuborn and maybe I should sleep more but who cares I won't make master Kyojuro disapointed. As we were talking I noticed someone coming to Rengoku's estate . I looked and it was master Kyojuro with woman.Maybe She is the love hashira. Senjuro noticed them too and run towards them. Master Kyojuro open his arm to his brother and hugged him. Senjuro return the hug and he also hugged the love hashira. I made my way to them. I didn't wanted to interupt. It was nice to see them like that. I don't know why but it always made my heart melt. I take a look to love hashira . She has pink to green hair and she looked very strong. But I have to admin it she looks beautiful. No wonder master Kyojuro go with her on mission. They noticed that I was staring at them.
"Y/N , come join us !" master Kyojuro give a hand to me. I froze I didn't know what to do. I slowly give my hand to master Kyojuro's hand. He pulled me into hug. So  I return hug. We stay like this for 10 minutes. As we finally stop I bown myself to both master Kyojuro and love hashira
"It's  great to see you both alive master Kyojuro and uh eh...'  I look on the woman next to him was little nervous at my action
"Oh uh you don't need to be formal to me hehe I'm Mitsuri Kanroji" the love hashira finally introducted herself.I nodded.
"Right ,It's nice to meet you too miss Kanroji " I said this a little louder. She didn't expect that as she little jump out. Master Kyojuro laugh at our conversation. I made my way to hide behind him.
"Mitsuri this is ,Y/N my new tsuguko , Y/N  this is Mitsuri ,she was before my tsuguko as well" I looked confused at this . Did lady Mitsuri was master Kyojuro first tsuguko?  But how I maan she is now love hashira besides both of them use different breathings. Master Kyojuro look at my confused face. "Something wrong , my little flame ?" He ask. I didn't know if I should ask him this or not.
"Forgive me for asking this ,lady Mitsuri,but how were you flame hashira's tsuguko? I mean you use both different breathings style ." I heard both master Kyojuro and lady Mitsuri chuckle at my question. My face turn red from embarrising.
"I once use flame breathing but I decited to create my own breathing style " I finally heard lady Mitsuri speak . I took a step in front to face with  her. "My breathing style was created from flame breathing " she slowly explained. I nodded at this. I could heard her whisper. She's been calling me cute or  adorable.
"Maybe you two are hungry ?" Senjuro finally spoke "me and Y/N made rice balls " the young Rengoku smiled so as well his brother.
"Then I have to taste it !" We all made our ways to go eat








As everyone made their way to eat. I went go back to traning. I have to be prepered for final selection. I want to prove that I'm worth it. I feel myself tired and sometime I doze up durning traning but I have to ignore this. I was doing some exercise to make my condition a little better. It took me 1 hour of traning. My whole body was exhausted. I took my wooden sword for traning but someone already stop me. I took a look and it was Lady Kanroji.

"Y/N-chan ,are you okay ? Why haven't you join us durning eating ?" She was worried. I snap out my though of sleeping and I have bowed to her.

"Lady Kanroji -" As I was about to explain myself she interupt me.

"You can call me just Mitsuri , You don't have to be formal towards me " She smiled to me. I shake my head in refused

"Calling you by your name will be not respectful towards you, beside you're a hashira and I'm nobody importan-" before I could finish . She hug me then I noticed how her body was strong. I could felt every muscule that she has. I have to said as a woman she has strengh I never see a woman like her. But she can be also gentle towards someone. I didn't know what to do or what to say.

"I'd say, you were pretty lonely in your life , do you want to talk to me like a friend ?" She spoke to me. Should I trust her , I mean I don't know her very well. But what If she "You can trust me ,Y/N-chan" She pulled me away from her embrance. I sigh at this and sat on the ground. She widned her eyes at my action and then she join me sitting on the ground. We stay like this for 5 minutes "If you don't want to tell me then it's okay , I won't push you to but I want you to remember that as friend I will always there for you-" before she finish I interupt her.

"I'm scared." that was the sentence I let out. She widned her eyes as she was careful listen that what I just said. "I'm scared that I will make master Kyojuro disapointed , I'm scared that he will abandon me, like my family when he see how usless I am. " I didn't made any eye contact with her. She gave me sad smile.

"I don't think you're usless " as she said that ,I widned my eyes "Kyojuro-san has told me how he's happy to have you a his tsuguko" I was listen to her speach very careful "Durning our mission , he told how proud of you he is , even though everyone has doubt you ,he still beleive in you " I couldn't beleive what I has just heard, so no matter what I did I was worth it for master Kyojuro. I felt tears rolling in my eyes. Mitsuri noticed that , she was about to say something but I hug her.

"T-thank you Mitsuri !" I finally managed to call her by her name. She smile to my gesture and return to me hug

"Now let's go back to them ,you need to rest and eat to be stronger " as she pulled me away I hear her stomach growled "Besides I'm again hungry " I chuckle at this and nodded

I guess ,I finally have a friends who I can trust 

𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 | Kyojuro Rengoku x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now