Chapter 17 | Ruka Rengoku

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Time has pass as me and Kyojuro become a couple. About our relationship only know Senjuro and Shinjiro-san . Of course Shinjiro-san has gave me some tips but the main one was to listen to my heart. In the morning we decited to lay in the bed for a little bit longer. Kyojuro was buried in my chest as I played with his hair. They were so nice and soft. I tried to braid them even which made Kyojuro chuckle.
"Enjoying yourself, Sunflower ?" He got away little from my chest,which made imeditly cold. My head was laying on top of his.
"It's just ,your hair is so soft and nice to touch. They reminds me of the flame who don't burn skin." I slowly explain which I got from return a another chuckle.we stayed in silence for 20 minutes until Kyojuro again spoke.
"Umm ,Sunflower can I ask you something  ? " He get up from my embrance and meet my face. I little huff at that but I nodded. "You have never told much about your family. I mean it's okay if you don't want to , I don't want to force you -" before he could finished I interupt him as I shake my head. Now since we are closer there is no point to hide any secrets. I still continued playing with his hair behind the ear.
"There were a tradition in my family that girls who turned 16 years old had to be quickly got married. That's how my family enrich for ages. If the girl had wound or diseasse she needed to be imeditly married since ,the other side won't find out and even if they did they can do nothing. I hated that tradition." I frown at this and cotinued doing small braids behind Kyo's ear. He was listeing very careful. "My mother was forced to marry my father. She always kept saying how she hated him. When I was born they were different ,they were saying how beautiful  I am. But when I grown up I looked more like my father and that's cuse  the scar that I have." I sigh at this ,when I was done talking. Kyojuro supprised me when he press his lips on my scar. My cheeks were red now.
"I'm so sorry for what you have went  trough,my little flame. I promise I will make your days happiest in the world. " he said as I stop doing braid behind his ear. My eyes met his healthy eye. On the other eye he was wearing eye patch.
"No need to worry now about my past because ,now I have you dear." Since he keep calling me those names , I decited to give him one too. I could tell his cheeks were blushing. I chuckle at this.He came back to my chest and burried his head in neck flexion. We stayed like this for while. I could tell it was already morning. The rays of the sun was hit my back. But something comes to my mind."Kyo ,you have never told me about your family much..." I said quietly but to my suprise he heard that. He has smile to me. We both were now sitting on futon
"My little flame ,but you already known about Senjuro and father-" before he could finished . I quickly interupt him. "I-I meant about your mother ..." As I said that he widned his eye. I was a little scared about that. Soon I noticed in his healthy eye was forming a tear. I panic a little. "f-forgive me Kyo ,I didn't meant to I'm so sorry-" before I could finished he quickly shake his head and wipe.
"No, it's okay. It just even after these years , I still miss her." His voice was shaking. I was really suprised by that ,I never seen him like that. I hug him to comfort him. He has widned his eye but soon he hug me back. I could hear he sob a little ,so I decited to rub his back for comfort.  "Hah It's funny, that even if I grown up, I still missed her. I'm really pethetic aren't I ?" He tried to joke out but it turns out different. He broke up and start crying . My heart was hurting seening him like that. After all thise years he just kept the pain  for himself. He's been crying for a while. After a while I get up from his embeance ,I cup his cheek. He was shock of course ,but soon he melt in my touch. I press my lips on his forehead. "My little flame?"He has gasped at this. I chuckle at her reaction.
"Kyo .,It's okay to miss someone. It doesn't make you pethetic. You can't hold the pain for yourself forever . If you feel to cry then do it. You're strong person and I'm proud of you." I smile to him. After my speach he finally return the smile that I love. He once again put his arms around my to hug me.
"My mother used to said that's too." He whisper but I could felt sorrow in his voice. I return the hug ,we stayed like this for awhile. As soon I heard that he sniffed. "My mother was wise, gentle and graceful. She has thought me that great morals of humans living. After Senjuro was born,she got sick." He explain to me ,as I nodded. I smile as I heard that ,I see lady Ruka must be very wonderful mother to both her sons. Thanks to her ,Kyojuro has grown up to be amazing man and hashira.When he kept talking about his mother ,I couldn't help but smile. Seening him that happy make my heart melt. "You should meet her ,let's visit her grave !" I widned my eyes at this.

𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 | Kyojuro Rengoku x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now