Chapter 7 | Final Selection

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N/A : Hello everyone, before we start I want to apologize , I didn't do good reaserch of flame breathing and I'm not sure if there is 6 , 7 and 8 form of flame breathing. So for now reader will be use those who were shown in mugen train beside 9 form. Btw the reader  go to the same final selection as Tanjiro. But unlike him she had only 1 year of traning. Okay hope you enjoy reading. 




It's been 1 year of traning. Now I've become more flexible and quicker. Today I have been done sparing  with master Kyojuro. I could possible predict every his movment. But he always shows me some of his new one. He easly could predict my movment but I done some new to shock him. I heard crack on his wooden sword that mean I win. He grin to me.
"Your movment become a lot much quicker , my little flame " I smiled to him back. "Now you will be ready for final selection " whenever it comes to final selection. I felt worried but I shouldn't be. It reminds me how my onii-chan  died in final selection. Master Kyojuro noticed my expression has changed into worried. He put his hand on my shoulder. As I look up to him ,my eyes has meet his. "Is something wrong , my little flame ?" He was now worried. I turn my eyes away from his breaking eye contact. I nodded as we both sit in front of shoji. "Do you want to talk about this ,my little flame ?" He asked. I took me while to confess my worries to him.
"I fell worry ,that I wouldn't make it ,my onii-chan , also went on final selection but he...he.. he" I couldn't finish the sentence my tears start falling down. Master Kyojuro pulled me into hug. I start to crying hard.
"You don't have to finish ,my little flame" he rub my back. We stay like this for 10 minutes.I sniffled before He pulled me away. I don't know why but master Kyojuro hugs always made me confortable. He made his way to the room. I was confused but when I was about to ask master Kyojuro came back with Kimono. I stood and took away from him. But sudenly he did something unexpected he gave me his nichiri sword. I widned my eyes. I couldn't acept this offer. He grin to me " I want  you to take this, to help you bulid your confideced durning battle" He spoke. I quickly want to give him back but he refused it.
"I-I can't acctept this offer master Kyojuro,this is your sword beside how are you gonna fight with demons without your" before I could finish he hush me.
" No buts ! You have to take it ,As a sight of my trust and believe in you !" He smile. I just looked down. I become more worried than before. Master Kyojuro put his hand on my shoulder. "Hey I know you can do this , remember that you been training so hard for this so don't let that on waste,my little flame " I looked in his eyes . I was more confident than before.
" Thank you ,master Kyojuro !" I smile to him. As I made my way to my room to changed into Kimono. The Kimono was orange to yellow with purple flames on it. When I finally changed my clothes and put master Kyojuro's sword. As I finally finished myself ,I opened  fusuma and made my way to leave. I was stop by someone's small hands wraping and pulling me into a hug. I take a look and it was Senjuro. He had tears  in his eyes. I hug him back.

"Y/N ,take care of yourself " He didn't wanted to leave me alone. I smiled to him an wiped off his tears.

"Senjuro , don't worry I will go back safe !" that make a young Rengoku smiled a little as I said this louder than usually. Suddenly I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.

"That's the spirt  I like , my little flame !" As I heard the familiar voice I took a look and it was master Kyojuro. I turn my way to face him. He gave me some food ."Me and Senjuro made a rice balls for you to have more energy" I slowly took it from him and widned my eyes "Though my rice balls aren't the best as yours so maybe-" before he could finish I took one rice ball to my mouth and bit it. Master Kyojuro widned his eyes.

𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 | Kyojuro Rengoku x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now