Chapter 10 | Nee-san

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-A little mention of abuse


We finally managed arrive to the village that our mission was. Durning that our trip I had told master Kyojuro about how goes my pervious mission he was  really impressive at this

"Mhm killing two demons than one ,that's quite impressive ,good job my little flame !" he put his hand on my shoulder and pat me. His touch was always been very confortable to me. Whenever he touch me I had a weird feelings on my stomach like it was butterfly there. But I don't really know what is it. I need to forget about this feelings and focus on reality. I grin at his complement. We stay like this in silence for a little time because soon something growled. It comes from my stomach. Master Kyojuro heard that too "Guess ,my little flame is hungry ,come one we need to try this food" he quickly grab my hand and run to food stall . My cheeks got more reddier than before from that interaction. Soon as we arived master Kyojuro order 2 bowls of udon. When he was about to pay for our food., I quickly take from my haori money and give  money for seller. He didn't questioned and turn his way to made for us udon . Master Kyojuro widned his eyes and turn his head to me. I didn't said anything , I wanted to stay quietly. The silence took us a little while but I finally managed to say this
"I-I have promised to you that one day I offer you a food" I was so red right now ,he was about to say something but our food was already done. We grab our food and begun to eat. "Tasty !"He shout out like always. I didn't mind it though , it was always nice to hear it that he enjoy eating food.


I was now full. We both have eaten 6 bowls of udon but it always nice eating with master Kyojuro . As we were searching from demons I heard someone was crying. I imeditly run to the sound of crying. Master Kyojuro was left behind me.. There were crowd of people around the sound. I tried to push them off to get in the way were the sound was ,of course I apologized to them all. When I finally reach to the sound ,I couldn't beleive my eyess what I have just seen. There were a lot of blood in the ground ,my eyes followed were it was and it was a death body of child.The woman in front of me was crying over her dead child.She cover her face with It froze me to the point that I couldn't move.What kind of demon would do that ? Soon master Kyojuro has appeard in front of me. I snap out from my doozing.
"Miss ,can you tell me what's happened? " the woman took a look at us as she u cover her face. I widned my eyes as I see her face. It was my older sister. As I remember we didn't had the best relationship. She always was cold to me and unlike my onii-chan who was kind and warm ,my Nee-san was quite and cold woman. Maybe if I was  like her I could be loved by my parents. She didn't regonized me and I was glad. I hide behind master Kyojuro.
"T-the demon attack my child and my husband got disapeared ..." She finally has said that. Poor nee-san I felt sorry for her. I left the them. Master Kyojuro can handle that so there is no ponit me to be join the conversation.

"Can you tell me more details? " As I give her a question ,I have noticed that Y/N has left. She acted a little strange but I can there is some conection between them. Maybe there are sister ? But I though she had only elder brother. There something is about her family ,but I understand her. After all thei tried to sell her. Thought of that how could they treat her made feel sorry. The had very beautiful and strong daughter instead of treat her good. They broke her.She didn't trust anyone or even herself. It took me only 1 year to heal her  As the woman told me what has happened.I have noticed that Y/N has left. I trun my to look after her. As I left tha woman and crowd. I look forward her. There was no sygnał of her. It took me a while when I found her. She was sitting next to tree. Before I could even ask her a question. She quickly stood
"Ah ,master Kyojuro  forgive me for running away but I didn't wanted to interupt you and that lady-" it was my time to cut off her explaing.
" Is that woman was one of your family member?" When I asked this she widned her eyes. He eyes didn't dare to look at me . I was analazing her expression.  As she was shocked and then terifited. She slowly nodded. Nothing came from her mouth. I put my hand on her shoulder. Her head imeditly got up. " Let's show our best to help your sister with that demon  , my little flame!" I wanted to cherry her up. She once again nodded and we both continue loook for demon.

𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 | Kyojuro Rengoku x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now