Chapter 16 | Love

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After the battle with upper moon 3 Akaza a week has passed.Kyojuro was imedtlly transported to butterfly mansion. They told me that I did a wonderful job to bandage him with my haoiri. I give message to the other hashiras what has happened. Lady Kocho with Kanao came from their mission as soon as possible. She has ask me a lot of question but I just stay quietly crying. Of course Kanao and Aoi was there to comfort me. Lady Kocho soon told me that Kyojuro will be in coma and she doesn't know when he will wake up. She has also said that this he can wake up on a year , two ,ten or even never. It depends on him ,but I know Kyojuro's spirit is strong and he will soon wake up. As the week pass , I was still sitting next to his bed ,when I watch him when he will wake up. It was my routine to watch him all days. I have even made Aoi and the other girls worried because all what I was do ,was sitting next to his bed. I wasn't eating that much because eating without him and didn't hear his voice when he scream "tasty" was more painful. Soon I felt someone hand on my shoulder , I take a look it was lady Kocho. She seems to be worried.

"Y/N ,dear I know that's hard for you but you have to go to Rengoku's estate to inform his family about this." Lady Kocho has spoke, I was still unsure of that , because I wanted to see whenever Kyojuro wake up. She has just sigh "I will send my crow to you if Kyojuro will wake up,okay?" As she ask me , I slowly nodded and made my way to leave Butterfly mansion.All thoughts was coming to my mind because what if something bad will happened to Kyojuro.What if he never wake up-I sanp from my thought as I heard someone screaming . I quickly made my way to screaming voice and it was one of the girl from butterly mansion. Her name was Naho , I think .

"Naho-san, what happened ?" I knelt to the girl who was sitting on the ground. She was crying ,I hug her which she quickly return.

"Tanjiro-san ,gone missing ."I widned my eyes when she said that. Has he lost his brain now ? It was too dangerous him to walk with that wound that he had. I get up quickly.

"Don't worry Naho, I will bring him back , I promise !" As I said that the girl nodded and I made my way to the Rengoku's estate. I had some sort of feelings that he is there.








As I finally was in Rengoku's estate. There was Tanjiro with Senjuro. They didn't noticed me but soon I heard Shinjiro-san voice.

"Look what he got for becoming swordsman when he had no talent ! No wonder he got injured. Worthless!" Shinjiro was yelling. That man had a lot of nerves even on situation like that he insult his son. I quickly made my way to Senjuro ,this boy didn;t deserve much pain. I hug him which he return the hug . I tried to grab Tanjiro but he pulled away, he was supprised with Shinjiro-san behaviour. It's not the first time whenever he insult one of his sons. "What a fool of son Kyojuro is ! A person's talent level determined the day he's born.Only a mere handful have any talent. The rest are just members of the masses! Completly usless trash,they are ! " He drank his alcochol "Kyojuro is in that group.He had no real talent." As the man was talking bullshit while Senjuro was scared and hugging me very tightly. "Senjuro ,don't cry over him and don't stick around this whore,she was no use for Kyojuro-"Before he could even finsihed , I let go of young Rengoku and made my way to Shinjiro. I hit in the nose which made him fall.

"Who gave you right to insult Kyojuro like that? your son fight for his life while you insult him" I was standing there in front of him but soon his attention was on Tanjiro . He was shock when he saw him and qucikly get up.

𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 | Kyojuro Rengoku x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now