Chapter 8 | Nichiri sword

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As I finally choose an ore . I go back to Rengoku's estate. It took me while to get back since I sprain my ankle. That why unlike before it took me 10 hours of getting back.It was night. I was tired and dirty. As I noticed familar door I knew that door. I was in front of Rengoku's estate. I opened door and  noticed familar face coming to me. It was master Kyojuro and his little brother Senjuro. I sigh In relief. Both of them welcome me in hug.
"I-I did it master Kyojuro, you were right" I whispered this out. I could both of them were hug me tightly,As I was gonna die. I heard little sobbing from Senjuro. I pat his head ,he was confused but I just grin to him like always did master Kyojuro.I return the hug. We stay like this for 5 minutes. I felt my eyes closing by any second. I felt by body getting weak. I couldn't hear what master  Kyojuro been saying so I just let myself sleep in their arms.


I felt relief when Y/N came back to us.  I didn't doubt in her strengh but as she has memories of death of her brother ,I though that she could get hurt. Even though I don't show her this ,sometimes I'm worried about her health. As I heard from Senjuro about her sleep routine  ,It made me felt worried. After 1 year I don't seen her only as my Tsuguko but as friend. To be honest I prefer if she call me by mine name not adding this 'master' ,but I guess she want to show me her respect. I grin to her while we all were hugging.

"Ha ! Ha ! I knew you could do this after all you're flame hashira's tsuguko !" I laugh when I said this loud. I don't regret it have her as my tsuguko. I can't wait to get her on mission togheter. "Once again you made me proud !" I felt her grin to my shoulder. As I was going to pull away I felt preasure of her body. I take a look at her gace to seen that her eyes were closed. I tried to shake her body . But nothing happened. "My little flame ? " I asked her louder ,hope that she will open her eyes. Senjuro immediately pulled away from hug. He take a looked at her worried.

"Brother ,is  Y/N okay ?" He check everything  on her is she was okay. As I pick up her in bridal. I took my ear to check if she was breathing. I heard that she breath slowly , also I noticed she was snore a little. Ah so she felt asleep. I laugh at this and looked at my younger brother.

"Yes ,she is okay " I declare that. There was a little smile on Senjuro face. "Allthough I think she need some sleep " Senjuro nodded. We all go to her room. To my suprise she wasn't very heavy. It's like holding a couple of grapes. As we finally reach to her room ,Senjuro has oppened
Fusuma for me. I  had laid Y/N in her futon . I cover her with blanket. I do have to said she look Innocent while she sleep. I couldn't take away my eyes from her. I guess Senjuro neither
"She looks really adorable " Senjuro smiled. I return to him smile
"Mhm . She is " I agreed with him . As we both was about to leave her room.Then I hears her whine , I widned my eyes ,so did Senjuro. Maybe she has had nightmare.
"Maybe we should comfort her ? " Senjuro wonder. Hmm whenever I hug her she fell more relax and more confortable. Wait I had idea. I walk to her futon and lay down. I pulled her into a hug. She stopped whine and hug me very close. I think she fell more confortable. Senjuro was confused by this situation. But he did join us too. He hug  Y/N from behind. He felt asleep. I guess a little nap won't hurt

TIMESKIP 3 days later

I opened my eyes, the light hit my eyes. I wonder how many hours I have been sleep. I was about to get I felt heavy on my back. Something was pulling be back to sleep. I turn my way to check it and it was Senjuro. He was hugging me from back while sleep. I smiled to him , I have to say he looks very cute when he sleep. I kiss his forehead, He smile durning sleep and relax. I pulled his hands away from me and let him sleep in my futon. A boy like him need to sleep more to get more energy. My stomach has growled , guess I'm hungry. I left my room as I made my way to kitchen. I smelled a familiar scent. It smelt so nice . So I have made my way to kitchen but my eyes widned. It was master Kyojuro cooking . It smelt like miso soup with sweet potato

"Ah , so you finally awake !" He turn his way to me. I took a bowl of soup. We both have sat on tatami. It was always nice eating by master Kyojuro side. "You've been sleeping for almost now 3 days ,my little flame!" As he said that , I almost choke. What 3 days ? 3 days I was sleeping , I never sleep that long . I widned my eyes as he said that. I felt embarssmed at this. I'm not used sleep almost 3 days .My eyes turn in down , I couldn't said anything to him. Sudenlly I felt someone hand on my shoulder and I know it was master Kyojuro. My E/C eyes meet his orange eyes. They were beautiful like a burning flame who's confortable. "It's okay to sleep , my little flame , human body need to sleep if you are going to miss the sleeping ,your body will be tired durning battle " He slowly explain to me .

"I'm sorry " That's all what I could just said. But he grin to me and hug. His arms are strong they could crash me but at the same time they are soft and confortable. I return a hug

"I'm so proud of you , my little flame now you're official a demon slayer " He said . He didn't pull me away. I just nodded . Still I couldn't beleive it that I pass a final selection. Master Kyojuro was right , I should beleive it in myself. I nodded , we stay like this for 5 minutes and then he pulled away . We start again eating . Master Kyojuro was scraming "Tasty"all over . It somehow always made me chuckle. As we done eating we heard someone knocking to shoji. Well that's unusual ,of course master Kyojuro stand up and made his way to open the door. I also stood up , we met a man with funny mask. I never saw him before . He does look weird with that mask. I hide behind master Kyojuro back. He chuckle at my reaction.

"Hello master Rengoku,my name is Kozo Kanamori, I forged Y/N L/C sword " The man with funny mask introducted himself. Master Kyojuro nodded and take a step away that I was in front of that man . I bow him but the man was confused.

" I-It's me !" I said it loud but the man nodded. We all made all way to sit at tatami. The man keep explaining to me about sword , I listen carefully. But my attention got to master Kyojuro.It made me worried that he was silent like he was worried about something. I couldn't tell he had this smile on his face. As the man with funny mask finally gave me my sword. I looked at it very carefully.

"Come on , my little flame ,draw it !" Master Kyojuro spoke. I nodded and slowly opened my sword. Unlike master Kyojuro's sword my was all silver.

"The nichiri swords are also referred to as color-changing katanas. Their color shifts depending on the bearer" the man explain calmly. I look closly to my sword ,as it was changing color. my eyes widned . It was the same color of master Kyojuro's sword but more brighter. I look at master Kyojuro face. His eyes were shock.

"M-master Kyojuro what does-" before I could finish my question . Master Kyojuro stood up in hapiness . I could heard a joy in him.

"Haha ! My little tsuguko , has a same color as me ,I knew you could do it !" He laugh very loud. I smile at his reaction, sometimes he is like a little kid who is happy about every small think you did. Before I could respond my Kasugai crow appeared. she has flown around the room and screaming

"KRAA ,Y/N L/C!" It sat at the table "HERE ARE YOUR ORDERS ! MAKE YOUR WAY TO THE TOWN ON NORTHEAST KRAA! " It finally stop screaming at flew to my right shoulder. I was so happy about my new mision but yet worried. What if I fail my first mision ,what if something bad happened ,what if-

" Did you hear that ,my little flame ? you got your first mision !" My mind were cut as master Kyojuro looked at me "I know that you're worried but remeber you have been traning for this , you have passed the final selection and it proves that you're strong!" He put his hand on my left shoulder. He was right , that's what I've been training for. I can't make him disapointed.

"and remember set your heart ablaze !" He said. Those words always made me feel more confident.

𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 | Kyojuro Rengoku x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now