Chapter 12 | Hashira meeting

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It has pass sometimes now my rank is Kinoe. I'm only one step to become a hashira but do I want to ? Of course not. It maybe a selfish but I rather be again mizunoto than replace Kyojuro one day. I'm not killing demons for ranks but only to made everyone save.
" Ha ha my little flame ,you have only one step to become a hashira and  replace me one day " Kyojuro said this with loud voice again  those though. Replacing him ? Who me but I don't want to . I look down but I made him worried. He has put his hand on my shoulder. I look at his yellow eyes and I swear I could seen a flame in it. "What wrong ,my flame ?" I could hear in his voice a worried tone. Before I could say something his Kasugai crow apperead
"KRAA MESSAGE ! MESSAGE !" We both take a look in up to see how it flown "MASTER UBUYASHKI ARRANGING HASHIRA MEETING FOR TRIAL!" I widned my eyes when I heard that a trial. Did someone break rdemon slayer corps rules. I look at Kyojuro and oh boy ,It was the first time when I see him upset "It seen that someone has break rules "as he mumbled to himself. he has  clenched his fists. I grab his hand into mine to make him feel better. He widned his eyes at me action.  I turn my head down in embarrased.
"I-I saw you upset and I-I though it would make you feel better ,if not then I'm sorry-" before I could finish I wanted to pull my hand away but he grabs in his hand. I swear  his hands are like flame but nice one. I want to hold in this forever.
"Don't apologized, my little flame ,It's cute of you that you care about me " I blush at this sentance and turn my head away from him . He just chuckle at this "But the way why don't you come with me ?" I widned my eyes. Me a slayer with lower rank than Hashira ?
"B-but Kyojuro , I'm a lower rank than hashira it would be disrespectfull to-' Before I could finish he put his finger to my lips. It was next reason to make flustred but all he did it was chuckle.  I swear he's plan to drive me crazy.
"Don't worry, my little flame they will acctept you very well ,they're very friendly beside you now know Kajonri and Kocho "I slowly nodded
"But w-why.."I mumbled to more myself than him .But for my luck he heard. I jump out as I heard he's beautful chuckles. My cheeks got red I couldn't understand why

"You once said to me my little flame that you enjoy my company , so same goes to me" My eyes start tearing. Each single tears starting felling from my eyes but they wasn't of sorrow but of joy. Kyojuro wided his eyes at this and go little closer to me. His big hands imeditly wiped my tears away. They were so warm. "D-did I say something wrong ,my little flame ,if Yes then I-" I imeditly sush him
"I'm glad that's you trust me " I smile to him. We atay like this for while ,it was kinda awkard so I pull away from him. "Sooo maybe we should go ?" I changed the subject ,but he has nodded and grabed my hand.
We have finally made our way to Ubuyashiki estate. This place so beautiful. There was other hashiras too. I have know only Mitsuri and lady Shinobu. The other hashiras looks very scary expecly the white haired  hashira. As one hashira came to us I stay behind Kyojuro's back.
"Hello there Rengoku ,who's that chick behind you ? " the tall man with white ponytail has greated Kyojuro.His attention was now on me. I felt very anexious with meeting other people. I was shaking a little but I felt someone hand pulling me in front.  It was Kyojuro. He has pulled me in front of the other hashira.
"Hello there Tengeni this is my Tsuguko, Y/N , Y/N  this is Tengen the sound hashira "  Sound hashira , I mean it doesn't shock me as much as Mitsuri case but still. I can tell he isn't a swordsman ,maybe he is a shinobi? But I though they died long time ago. The silence took us a little while when master Tengen was about to say something . I bow ,but he has just smile
"It's n-nice to meet you master Tengen !" I said this loud as I finally stood . He has put  his hand on my shoulder and clap it . I widned my eyes
"Wow Rengoku you have very flashy tsuguko and this scar on her left eye looks very flamboyant" He complain me. His words stuck in my head. My eyes stay widned I couldn't say a word to this complement. I smile to him as reaponse. 
"My little flame , you wouldn't mind if I go for awhile with Tengen ? " I look around to see Kyojuro with his grin. I nodded as master Uzui has left my shoulder and go with Rengoku. I stay still as I watch them disapeared. Soon I felt someone hands pulling me into a hug from behind. I take look as I widned my eyes
"Y/N-CHAANNN ,WE FINALLY MET" I felt someone screaming to my ears. The voice belonged to Mitsuri. I turn around to see her " I COULDN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU AGAIN , I BROUGHT IGURO-SAN  TO MEET YOU " She was so excited. I like Mitsuri ,she's like older sister to me.
"Mitsuri, I like you but  please don't scream to my ears ,before they die " I hold my ears, as I said that she panic a little
" Ahh I'm so sorry Y/N-chan " I return the hug to tell her that's okay. ,but soon I noticed Iguro-san giving me death face. I imeditly stop  hugging her and bow to him. He didn't seem to care ,he came closer to me and pulled my shoulder. He whisper to me
"I only like you because Mitsuri told to , don't susspect that we are friends now" Hi voice was sharpy to me,but I didn't wanted to show him any of my emotion. It wasn't hard to act like emotions  I look at  his eyes
"As you wish ,master Iguro." I whispered to him and return to Mitsuri. I stay behind her back to not be close to master Iguro.

𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 | Kyojuro Rengoku x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now