Chapter 4 | Scar

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We begun traning today. I guess being Master Kyojuro's Tsuguko isn't really easy but hey who said it would be easy . At first I had too do 1000 waves with my wooden sword then I needed to learn about breath. I learn that there isn't only one technique of flame breathing but 9 but the last one is only for Rengoku's family. I learn them all 8. Master Kyojuro told me that I needed to become like flame ,quick and flexible. As I was waving my wooden sword .Master Kyojuro has approached me .
"Good job Y/N , I knew you be the best !" Master Kyojuro was proud of me. I couldn't help but smile to him , Master Kyojuro is good teacher. "Now let's see your strenght agaist me " I widened my eyes .Me agaist Master Kyojuro ."Don't worry , we will see if you need still training " I nodded . Master Rengoku grabbed his woden sword. When finally was ready. I made my first attack , but he block my attack as I suspect. Then I jumped for attack ,but my vision got black because of my hair, It's hard to attack someone while I have to cover my scar on eye.I missed and fell on the ground. My whole body hurts now. Master Kyojuro's give me a hand and help me stand.
"It seems you have to train more my little flame" I noded. Even though I train hard today , I will train even harder to made Master Kyojuro proud. He took a step and walk behind me. He did something unexpected and pined my hair. That my hair didn't cover my eyes. I panic
"Here ,now your vision will be clear-" before he could finish I interupted
"NO !" I scream out. He widened his eyes. I realized what I did and imeditly run away. I can't look in Master Kyojuro's eyes after what I did. I climb on tree.
"Y/N !! Y/N !!!" Master Kyojuro shout out. He was looking for me. I start to sobbing. I didn't hear anything. I was like that for 5 minutes until I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I almost jumped out . I noticed it was Master Kyojuro I cover my face imeditly. He widened his eyes.
"What wrong ,my little flame ?" He ask woriedly.
"I'm sorry master Kyojuro , I didn't meant to shout out at you I swear...I didn't want you to see something-" before I could finish master Kyojuro took my hands away from my face. I felt ashmed of my scar. What if he will didn't like me ,what if I disapoint him ,what if
"Don't be so hard to yourself ,my little flame "Master Kyojuro spoke. His smile is what I always see. Somehow this smile made my heart warm. He was looking at my scar.
"A-am I look like monster to you ,master Kyojuro? " I ask him ,I analized his expression how changing when he though about my question. That make me anexios.
"No" he said . That shock me "In fact ,that show that your bravness and it's look beautiful on your face"he slowly explained



"Hey , you freak ! " one girl pulled my hair. I was 11 years old. people keep hate me because of my scar. It was one year ago ,my parents tried to cure this but it was for nothing. Whenever I go back home were pointing at me and keep calling me "monster" . I whine from pain and both of the girls were laughing
"Awww, the crybaby gonna cry ?" the another girl ask "Not mention she's monster but also crybaby, isn't that Hilarious " The girl laugh at this. Her friend as was pulling my hair , she pushed me on the ground . They all were kicking me . I start to whined , it hurts. I wanted this to stop.
"STOP !!" I heared a familiar voice. both of them stop . I look who it was, it was my onii-chan . Both girls run away. My whole body hurts I couldn't stand. Onii-chan crouched down .
"Y/N , are you okay ? Is something hurt you ?" He was worried about my condition. I ignore his question.
"Onii-chan , am I look like monster to you?" His eyes widened at my question.
"M-monster ?!" He ask "No ! You don't look like monster! " He shout out this. That shock me "This scar show your beauty and bravness " He explained his words to me. I felt better after this words




Back to present




As I heard those words from master Kyojuro I felt better but yet confused.
"A-aren't you ashmed to have tsuguko like me , with that scar ?" I couldn't understand that. How the great and kind hashira like him aren't ashmed of someone like me being his tsuguko with that disgusting scar. He laugh at my question
"I didn't chose you as my tsuguko because of your appearance but because I beleive in you and beleive in your strength" As he said that he grim to me. This smile is what always made my heart warm.Tears started forming in my eyes . I realized about my action towards master Kyojuro.I sigh at this
"I-I do apologize about my action , what I did earlier was disrespectful and I didn't meant to yell at you ,master Kyojuro" I carefully apologized to Master Kyojuro. I was ready to get punishment from him ,because what I did early was disrepectful towards him. but then he sudenlly open his hands to me . I was shock I didn't know what to do. I froze from this. His smile didn't disapear , he did some gesture with his finger that I'm allowed to hug him. I cerfully come closer as I felt he pulled me into his embrance. I froze , I didn't hug him back , I was so confused what to do.

"My little flame , It's okay to be angry or sad at something" He said slowly. I listen cerfully to each words coming from his mouth. "If you feel to shout out at something , then do it . I won't get mad at you ,but don't hide your emotions " Tears started forming in my eyes as I listen to Master Kyojuro "I will always be there for you " I finally did hug master Kyojuro back and start crying in his chest . I realized how broken and how pathetic I was . I always though I don't need any pity from someone but that was lie .After Onii-chan death I was lonely. Every day I hated myself of the fact that I didn't help him and almost every day I though that it would be better that I die instead of him. But he has sacfraficed himself to me and I should always remeber that . Master Kyojuro is special and I'm greatful that I had someone like him by my side. I guess I can opened up to him. I didn't notice when cloth of master Kyojuro chest was wet because of my crying . Since master Kyojuro didn't mind this , then I didn't care. He started to rub my back I felt safe in his arm , it was nice and warm. It was like hugging a flame who didn't burn your skin. My crying was repleced with little sobbing and then I finally stop. I sniffled

"Are feeling better , my little flame ?" He ask . I just nodded at this. we stay like this for 5 minutes. I didn't wanted to let go of master Kyojuro embrance . It was conforable. Soon both pulled away. Master Kyojuro got up"Let's go back your training " as he was about to jump out from tree I grabbed his

"M-master Kyojuro there is actually something..." I looked embarresmend as I noticed how high we are from the ground.

"What is it ,my lttle flame ?" He looked serious as he rose his eyebrows.

"C-can you help me go down ? I fear of heights..." I explained to him. I swaer when I climb I didn't knew it would be that high. Master Kyojuro did something unexpected. He pick me up in bridal style ,I blush from that.

"Just stay close and close your eyes " I did what he said. I didn't see when we were on the ground. "Now you can open your eyes" as he said that he put me on my legs. I was relief.

"Thank you , master Kyojuro " I grin to him. It was my first true smile

"Now let's go back training , shall we ?" I nodded as continued to go back to Rengoku's estate




TIMESKIP 20 minutes




I took my wooden sword ,now I didn't care if my hair was pinned or not. I didn't care if someone seen my scar or not .Master Kyojuro was on other side with his wooden sword. I made my first attack but as I suspect Master Kyojuro block it.This time I was quicker that him and I jump into tree and then jump t attack him from behind. He did block it this too ,now when he was about to attack me , I quickly miss his all attack . I hit my wooden sword on his jaw very hard , that I knock him out. He stop his movment and I realized what I just did. As I was about to go and apologized master Kyojuro stop

"You did it great, my little flame " He praised me. I widned my eyes. "You're now strong enough to knock me out and that's great you will be ready for final selection" I smiled to him ,guess my training skill didn't go waste. I grin to him but then I heard his stomach was growling and so did mine. We both laugh at this

"Let's go eat something ,before we starve to death ! " He jokes as I nodded and made my way to follow him.

𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 | Kyojuro Rengoku x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now