Chapter 5 | Shinjuro Rengoku

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TW: Abuse


It pass some day after my conversation with master Kyojuro and we grow up to each other.  I start to talk more to master Kyojuro. I decited to train today very early than always. In the morning I decited to focus at my total concenration brathing technique on the rooftop. Whenever I'm doing this my lugs always hurts but I ignore the pain. I still can't control corectlly my breathig but It's start to be better. As I was training my total concenration brathing technique, I noticed Senjuro who were cleaning the ground. Poor boy, he reminds me of myself when I was younger. I still wonder why he don't train with his brother but I won't judge him by that. It is his choice .As I keep staring at Senjuro , he noticed that I was staring at him . I turn my eyes away.

"Hello Y/N" the boy wave to me his hand. It would be pointhless to to ignore him. So I just jump out from the roof to young Rengoku. I approch him. He was fascinated by my proggres in skill. "I see you're getting better in your skill" He was waiting for my reply but I couldn't let my mouth open. I'm still learning how to talk with people but I got always failed. The only person that I keep talking is master Kyojuro.We stay like this for 5 minutes. I would say my relationship with Senjuro is kinda awkard. It's not like I don't like him , I just have problem with speaking to people. I made my way to the traning ground "Wait!!" he stop me I turn my head to him "Maybe you're hungry ,I have some food- " before he finish I shake my head and made my way to training ground.I hear him sigh to this, I didn't meant to be to him that bad . Maybe I should apologized to him.








After 2 hours of traning , I felt hungry .I need to eat to get my stamina regeneration. I also had on mind to apologize Senjuro of my bechavior. I just hope that he won't get mad at me. As I was about to opened shoji I heard someone were talking. I hide near wall to hear the conversation.

"It was delicious food Senjuro !" I recognized this voice . It was master Kyojuro probably having conversation with his younger brother.

"I'm glad that you like it " Senjuro has rejoiced with his brother words. It was good to hear both brothers get along. That reminds me of me and my onii-chan who always took care of me. "Brother ,can I ask you something ?" The boy ask his elder brother. I could hear in his voice bitterness.

"What is it ?" Master Kyojuro ask his younger brother.

"D-Do you think Y/N hate me ?" I widened my eyes . I just couldn't beleive what I just hear. Did Senjuro really though that I hated him ? Did I made look like that ? Did I-

"I don't think so" my mind were cut when I heard master Kyojuro voice. "She is just shy person ,When I first meet her she9 wasn't very talkative to me , It took me days to have her trust and it was worth it to have her as my new tsuguko " He explained to his brother. I couldn't stop smiling at this sentance.

"But yet how can you be so sure that she's right person to be your new tsuguko?" those words hit me. He was right I didn't  deserve to be master Kyojuro's tsuguko , or I didn't deserve that day his mercy.  "What if durning the battle she won't know what to do ?" The boy was too confused how his brother deal with me.

"Senjuro ,Y/N has a flame spirit maybe not strong like me but she will do anything to protect other and that's why I believe in her" Master Kyojuro stand and has crouched down to his brother .He put his hand on his shoulder "Tomorrow I will go on mission with Kanroji, could you please take care of Y/N and watched her traning ?" The boy struggle what to said to his brother."I know you will find way to oppened her up to you " He laugh .Master Kyojuro has a good heart ,same goes to Senjuro-sama. I goes quickly to back to traning to not be suspect that I listen the whole convesation. As I made to step I heard that shoji oppened "Ah, Y/N there you are , come join as eating !!" Shit I got caught by master Kyojuro . I need to think of something to make excuse .

𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 | Kyojuro Rengoku x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now