Alternate ending 6 - Moral dillema

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Author's note: This idea was suggested by ErmaCrossover106, and I was surprised this story hasn't died yet.

Your POV:
After my brother left the house, me and Kyung-Mi started wondering, if we should travel abroad as quickly as possible in order to escape from the Foundation. Ultimately we have decided to stay in the country, but move to another, smaller city.

Luckily I didn't have to search for a new job, because my company was spread across the country, and it was conviniently close to where we wanted to move, and after few days we were sitting in our new house.

- Do you think they will find us in here or not? - Kyung-Mi asked with a fear in her voice.

- There is absolutely no chance for that. Their facility is extremely far away, and it would take them ages to even find out I was hiding you.

- How can you be so sure about that Y/N?

- I hid every possibility of them finding out about us, and even my own family has no idea where to search for me. This place is completely safe.

Having said that I came closer to her and kissed her, while we both slowly lied in our new bed.

- If they are never going to find us, then we should be completely safe in here, and nobody will interrupt us. - She said before looking at the window. - Close the blinds.

I did like she said and felt her hands grabbing my shirt and pulling me down.

- I love you Y/N. - She said before taking it off and kissing me again.

- I love you too Kyung-Mi. - I responded aware of what we were about to do.

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I woke up in my bed few hours later completely naked and exhausted. I tried to stand up, but I was unable to do anything, so after few seconds I fell asleep again with a smile on my face.

Director's POV:
MTFs have been searching for SCP-953 for over a year already, and until now there have been no results which would have satisfied me. What's worse, our engineers at CI base told me in secret, that something within the machine broke, and it was impossible to repair it.

This message made me angry, however it was nothing compared to the second message, where they found a mistake in our equations, and after calculating it again multiple times it turned out, that building such a machine was impossible and it wouldn't give any results. All of our hopes were based on few equations which turned out to be false and denied a possibility of realising our project.

However, a different research facility told us, that they have spotted a person looking similiar to SCP-953 many kilometers away with another person I couldn't recognize. There were no MTFs in their facility, as they didn't have any SCPs in there, so in order to make sure she was dead, we had to send people from our facility, and for this job, I have chosen commander Lucas and his squad.

I sent them to the city with exact location of house in which she was living and ordered them to shoot on sight, and apply amnestics to that other guy if they find out he is not an SCP. Without hesitation he agreed to fulfill my order, and after few minutes they were on their way to finish her once and for all.

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