Part 9 - An attempt to escape

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Your POV:
This day started normally, but I felt, that something is going to happen. Few days ago, I have bought a realistic statue of a red fox, and I hid it in my car. I was writing another line of code, when suddenly, my phone rang.

You: Hello?

Lucas: Hey Y/N, one thing, you already know about the SCP foundation, don't you?

You: Yea, in September they said, that they had a containment breach, why do you ask?

Lucas: Well, I work for them and I wasn't able to tell you that.

Why is he telling you that?

You: Nice, are you a guard or a scientist?

Lucas: MTF commander.

You: Alright, but why are you telling me that?

Lucas: SCP-953 is somewhere in this area, we need to find her. That's why we are going to check few houses, including yours.

Fuck. They know that she is not dead.

Lucas: I am telling you that as a brother, so you won't be surprised. See you in few minutes Y/N.

Shit! We need to run! I instantly ran down the stairs and grabbed Kyung-Mi.

You: We need to run, now!

Kyung-Mi: What do you mean?

You: They are coming for us, dress up and go to the car!

She instantly ran for her jacket and I have grabbed my documents and credit card. We need to go to the airport, we will buy tickets to Switzerland. After two minutes, we were already in the car. Kyung-Mi put on a hat and hid her tails, and I have started the car. Everything seemed to be ok, until we saw a strange car following us.

You: Kyung-Mi, we have got a problem.

Kyung-Mi: They know that we are here?

You: Yes, this is my brother's car. They are following us.

Kyung-Mi: What should we do?

You: We will go to that forest, we will lose them there.

I drove in the direction of the forest, but it looked like they wouldn't leave us alone. The statue will be helpful at this moment.

You: Kyung-Mi, I want you to turn into a fox.

Kyung-Mi: Why?

You: Just do it!

She turned into a red fox, and I took the statue.

You: Stay in the car and wait until they all go after me. After that, run. Find a way to escape them, do you understand?

Kyung-Mi: B-But what about you?

You: Leave me alone. Find Serpent's Hand, they help anomalies.

Kyung-Mi: ... Will I ever see you again?

You: I don't know. Lets hope for the best.

I have stopped the car and took the statue on my hands.

You: Stick to the plan.

I have openned the door and ran to the forest.

Lucas: Y/N! Stop!

I didn't listen, I had to make sure, that Kyung-Mi can safely escape.

Lucas' POV:
I didn't expect that she will be hiding in my brother's house. He is now under her control. I told my squad to use tranquilizer on him, and then kill SCP-953. They shot him few times with it, but he didn't stop. Luckily, after short amount of time, he fell on the floor, and we started shooting SCP-953.

Kyung-Mi's POV:
When they all were gone, I ran to the second part of the forest. I have to find a way to escape.

Your POV:
I got shot with tranquilizer. It didn't hurt that much, but I was getting sleepy. I fell on the floor and released the statue. They instantly started shooting at it. Morons. I hope that she is safe now.

Lucas' POV:
Apparently, it was just a statue. She was smarter than us. I instantly told my squad to check the car and the second part of the forest. She couldn't ran away too far. Sorry bro. You will be fine, I promise.

Kyung-Mi's POV:
I got to a river. It was pretty deep, but I saw a log flowing downstream. I jumped on it and grabbed it with my claws. I hid behind it, and that was the best thing that I could have done because after few seconds, I have heard them searching for me. I have to escape. I cannot fail Y/N.

Lucas' POV:
They didn't find anything. Just great. She probably hid underground. I took Y/N and with my squad, we brought him to the facility. We will clean him from a mind control.

Director's POV:
She escaped. But Lucas brought his brother back. They are taking off the mind control from him. I am sure that he will gladly help us. I went to the hospital wing and decided to talk with him.

Your POV:
I woke up in a small hospital. My brother and somebody, who looked like a director were looking at me.

Lucas: You finally woke up brother!

You: Ugh, were am I?

Lucas: In SCP facility, in hospital wing. We saved you from the mind control.

Director: I am glad that we were able to save you. Sadly, SCP-953 escaped. But don't worry, with your help, we can easily catch her.

What? They want me to tell, where is Kyung-Mi? Never.

You: Why should I help you?

Director: Because SCP-953 is a dangerous entity, and we have to kill her. She took the control over you, don't you remember?

You: She didn't have any control over me. I saved her because that was my own will.

Director: ... And she didn't kill you?

You: No. And there is no way that I will tell you where is she.

Lucas: Brother, why would you...

Director: If you don't want to help us, then we will have to kill you.

Lucas: What?!

Director: That's right. You have been hiding a dangerous SCP. I will talk with O5 council, and I am almost sure, that they will give an order of termination over you. But for now, welcome in the facility, D-16221.

Director's POV:
For fuck sake. He doesn't want to help us. I will have to kill him. I like Lucas, he is loyal to me, but nobody will stand on my way. If he won't tell us, where is SCP-953, then he will die.

Kyung-Mi's POV:
I have been driving on this log for two hours. I was weak and Foundation wants me dead. What's worse, they have captured Y/N. I started to lose consciousness.

???'s POV:
I saw something on the river. I came closer and checked it.

???: Dad, look! It is a fox!

???'s father: You are very perceptive son. Lets help him. Or her.

Everyone deserves a second chance. SCP-953 x readerWhere stories live. Discover now