Part 10 - Separated

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Your POV:
They put me in a cell with another D-class. He was surprised when I told him how I have ended up here. Of course, we didn't have time to talk, because guards openned the door and took me with them. We went to Heavy Containment Zone, to 106's chamber. So, that's how I will die. Killed by 106 in a femur breaker. They tied me up and put in that machine. Director activated the voice transmission, looked at me through the cameras and said:

Director: If you tell us now, we will spare you.

Lucas: Y/N please tell him! How am I supposed to tell our mother that you died?

You: Sorry Lucas, but I won't betray her. And for you director, go to hell.

Director: Heh, your choice.

He activated the femur breaker. The pain was huge, but I didn't want to give him that satisfaction. However, the sound of broken bone was enough to bring 106 to me. So, there is no hope anymore.

You: ... Just kill me already.

He looked at me, but without his evil smile. He grabbed my T-shirt and I have lost consiousness. When I woke up, I was on 049's table.

049: You finally woke up.

You: Ugh... Am I alive?

049: Yes, you are. Larry brought you here. Now he is making some mess.

106 brought me to him? I thought that he will kill me.

You: I thought that he is going to kill me.

049: He recognized your face. And second of all, 079 heard your conversation with the director. All SCPs are on your side Y/N. Even 682 told him, that because you have helped 953, he is not going to hurt you.

You: At least that. But tell me, did you do something with my leg?

049: Yes, I have injected you a special serum, which heals all broken bones.

Director: There he is! Get him!

049: Others will help you Y/N, I promise.

They have grabbed me and brought back to my cell.

Director: How are you still alive?!

You: Not your business.

Director: ... You want to play like that? Fine. Prepare for tomorrow. You will definitely die.

???'s POV:
???: So, how is the fox doing?

???'s mother: I have checked her. That's definitely a female, I am sure about that, but I have no clue why she has nine tails. There are two possibilities. One, it is a genetic mutation, or second, she escaped from laboratory, where she was used as a test subject.

???: Can we keep her please?

Billy's mother: I don't know Billy, we will see.

Billy: Mom look, she woke up!

Kyung-Mi's POV:
I woke up in a cage. Just great. I have looked around and saw a boy and his parents looking at me. I was still in my fox form, so they don't know who I am. But there is no way, that I am gonna stay here forever. I have to find a way to help Y/N. I have to find Serpent's Hand. I have decided to do the most stupid thing possible. I cannot waste my time. If that fails, I will have to escape

Kyung-Mi: Hey, can you release me? It is not nice to lock somebody up.

They were shocked. I wasn't surprised.

Billy: You can talk?!

Kyung-Mi: Ugh, yes, I can talk, but that's a long story. Can you release me?

He didn't hesitate and openned the cage. I have jumped on the floor and transformed into my human form.

Kyung-Mi: Much better. I guess that you want me to explain everything now?

Billy's father: Honestly, that would be nice, because I have no idea what is happening.

I told them how the Foundation tried to kill me from the order of O5 council, how Y/N saved me and hid me for few months and how we got separated later.

Billy's father: But that's impossible! Isn't their motto Secure, Contain, Protect?

Kyung-Mi: I was also surprised. They told the director to do that, and I have no clue why.

Billy's father: What is the name of that director?

Kyung-Mi: Willson Smith.

Billy's father: ... That explains everything. We need to contact with my friends and O5 now!

Kyung-Mi: No way, they want me dead!

Billy's father: No they don't! We work for Serpent's Hand, and recently, we have good relations with O5 council. Willson Smith is a person, which we are hunting for almost five years! He is a psycopath similiar to war criminals!

Kyung-Mi: I don't understand anymore...

Billy's father: Listen, Willson Smith works for the Foundation to be safe. In real, he works for Chaos Insurgency, and the entire Serpent's Hand wants to stop his plan.

Kyung-Mi: ... What is his plan?

Billy's father: He wants to create a machine, that controls minds of other people and rule this world with Chaos Insurgency. O5 council must know about that!

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