Part 5 - Winter is coming

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Your POV:
I woke up as always. I looked at the date - 2.12.2020. Over two months since I saved Kyung-Mi and we started living together. I felt that this day will be different than others. I have looked through the window and I quickly realised, that I was right. The first snow fell at night, and the entire backyard was covered with a white, fluffy blanket. I went to Kyung-Mi's room to check, if she has woken up already. She was awake, and she was looking through the window. I stood next to her and asked:

You: Snow is beautiful, isn't it?

Kyung-Mi: Yes, it is, but I don't remember the last time when I saw it. This Foundation was keeping me locked for so long, that I forgot how it looks like.

You: Well, how about we go outside and play with it?

Kyung-Mi: I would love to, but what if somebody sees us?

You: There is a part of backyard where nobody can see anything. So, do you want to go outside?

Kyung-Mi: Sure, but I don't have a jacket.

You: I will borrow you mine for today, I have one spare anyway, and later, I will go to the shop and buy you one.

Kyung-Mi: Alright, lets go.

I went to my room and took two jackets. One for me, and one for her. We quickly dressed up and stepped outside. It was snowing really hard, because there was a lot of snow on the ground. Kyung-Mi lied on the ground and made a snow angel. She must have really missed it. I also wanted to have some fun, so I had created a snowball and thrown it at her. I hit her leg, and she decided to pay me back. For the next five minutes we have been throwing snowballs at each other, until our fingers became so cold, that we couldn't do that anymore. We should have taken gloves for that.

Kyung-Mi: Well, that was fun.

You: I agree, but lets go back home, I have some snow under my jacket and it is not a great feeling.

Kyung-Mi: Alright.

We went back home and took off our jackets. I put them on a radiator and made us some tea. Apparently, Kyung-Mi also loves tea, so I bought many different kinds of them, so we could try them all. Today, we took a cherry flavoured tea with chocolate and it was delicious!

Kyung-Mi's POV:
I have never had so much fun in my life! I was shivering from cold, but it was amazing! Y/N bought many different kinds of tea, so we have decided to try a cherry flavoured one. It was very good, so we drank two cups of it. One to warm ourselves up, and the second one with breakfast. From what I am aware of, they have already captured all other SCPs that escaped, so I am the only one that is still out of their range.

Your POV:
After breakfast I came back to work. Kyung-Mi is now helping me with almost everything. Sadly, I have to code everything myself, but that's not a problem. They pay me a lot of money for that, and that's also something I like to do. They said in television that they have recontained all SCPs, so Kyung-Mi is the only one that is still free. I really like her company, I even feel something to her, but I am afraid that she doesn't feel the same. I will try to tell her that in the future, but for now this is my secret.

???'s POV:

Commander: Sir, we have recontained SCP-096, who was the last one in that forest. Sadly, we didn't find body of SCP-953. I guess that you were right and 939s ate her. However, they don't want to say anything about that.

???: That's alright, she is dead anyway. I will contact the O5 council that you have done your job. You are free to go.

Commander: Alright sir!

After commander left, I have called O5-1 and told him, that we have recontained all SCPs. Our device is not ready yet and it will take a long time to finish it. Maybe one more year, and humanity will rule this planet. 682 will be our personal destruction machine, 106 will help us with transporting everything and 999? Well, I guess that we won't have to control him anyway, he is already behaving like a pet, so he is not a danger. From what I know, Scarlet King is also dead, so nothing stays on our way anymore. And nobody will oppose us. Humanity will be divided into superiors and inferiors, and we will be the superiors!

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