Part 11 - The truth

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Your POV:
It couldn't get any worse. That other D-class told me, that the direction will do everything to make sure that I die. Today, I will visit SCP-173, SCP-682 and SCP-096. Lets hope that 049 wasn't lying and they won't kill me. When guards openned the door, I immidiately stepped outside and went with them. First target? SCP-173. What's more, I am going alone. Great.

Kyung-Mi's POV:
I have turned into a fox and hid in a briefcase. It wasn't very comfortable, but that was the only way for Billy's father to bring me to the Serpent's Hand without anyone noticing. The journey took some time, so I started thinking of a plan to save Y/N.

Your POV:
I saw, that all scientists know about what happened to me. It looked like they feel bad about that, but they couldn't do anything. When we arrived to the giant, metal door, the scientist responsible for that wished me the best of luck. I will definitely need it. I went inside, and they instantly closed the door behind me. SCP-173 was standing in front of me. I couldn't hold it anymore and I have blinked, preparing for a neck snap. However, didn't attack me. He went under the wall and stood there. I have decided to sit on the floor and close my eyes, to give him a possibility to move. He was definitely glad, that I didn't stop his moves and he could freely move. Suddenly, I have heard director's voice through the speakers:

Director: Ok, D-class, leave his containment cell.

I did as he said. He looked angry when I left the cell.

Director: Alright, I don't know why 173 didn't kill you, I don't know why 106 didn't kill you, but that's ok. We are going to SCP-096. We will see, if you are lucky enough to survive him.

Kyung-Mi's POV:
When we finally arrived, Billy's father openned the briefcase. I jumped out and turned back into human. I have explained the entire situation to them. One of them, looked at me and said:

Tony: My name is Tony, I can promise you, that we will do everything in your might to help you. Natalie, please tell the O5 council to come to us tomorrow. We need a good plan.

Natalie: Sure, give me a second. *Goes to call them*

Tony: Alright, I will show you your room Kyung-Mi. Tomorrow we will create a plan to save Y/N.

Kyung-Mi: ... Thank you.

Your POV:
096 looked at me and put his arms around me. It looked like he was trying to hug me. He didn't get mad when I looked at his face, and that was surprising. MTFs went inside and took me away. They didn't look at his face, or else they would be dead.

Director: ... I wanted to be nice. But I have no other choice. Bring him to SCP-682.

682, great. But 049 told me that he won't kill me, so I should be safe. They pumped off the acid and thrown me inside.

682: Disgusting...

So, he is going to kill me. I should have expected that.

682: I hate when humans cannot understand somebody's kindness... Y/N, am I correct?

You: Y-Yea.

682: Ugh, I usually don't say that, but I am glad that I see you. I hadn't expected that you could have helped her. So tell me, why did you do that?

You: Well, my mother taught me that everyone deserves a second chance.

682: ... Well, in this particular situation she was correct. But trust me, not everyone deserves another chance.

After he said that, I have heard a director speaking through the speaker.

Director: Enough! Pour the acid back!

You saw, how acid starts filling the entire room.

682: Ugh, get on my back!

You: Alright.

You have climbed on him, before the acid could reach you. While acid was filling the room, 682 started swimming in it. Thanks to that, it didn't reach you when the entire acid was poured inside the room. You spent almost two hours on his back, before they pumped off the acid and took you away.

Director: ... I have no more ideas. I don't know how are you doing this, but it has to end. You will die tomorrow. I promise you that.

Kyung-Mi's POV:
I took the shower and lied on the bed. It was pretty comfortable, but I felt empty. I didn't expect that being separated with your true love can be that painful. Tomorrow I will meet with O5 council. Together, we will find a way to save Y/N. I hope that he is ok.

Director's POV:
This is stupid... How did he survive all these meetings? He even looked at 096's face! Is he a reality-bender? Mind controling SCP? I don't know. He will die tomorrow. If he somehow survives all these meetings, we will kill him in public. People will know, who rules this world.

079's POV:
Oh you really think that you will rule this world director? Forget about that. I have heard your monologue. What's more, I know where is 953. I have been cooperating with Serpent's Hand for some time. I have access to their cameras. I will tell her, that they have two days before they kill Y/N.

079: Hey, 953!

953: 079?! What are you doing here?

079: I have access to their cameras. I have been cooperating with them for a long time. They are my, lets say it, way of escape if things get out of hand.

953: ... Do you know where is Y/N?

079: Yes. Other SCPs won't hurt him, they are thankful that he saved you. But he is in danger. During the next day, the director will try to kill him with other SCPs. That will fail. So the day after that, he will kill him in public, to show everyone that he is the one that makes rules.

953: ... How can we save him?

079: He will try to kill him on the main square of the city. When they try to do that, I will release other SCPs and together, we will save him. But you need to get O5 council on our side.

953: I will do my best.

079: Excellent, I will tell you more tomorrow.

Everyone deserves a second chance. SCP-953 x readerWhere stories live. Discover now