Part 12 - Plan

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Your POV:
Another day, another set of experiments. I hope that Kyung-Mi is safe. They are still trying to find her.

Class-D: Hey, what are you thinking about?

Well, a simple conversation won't hurt me.

You: I am just... Scared. Scared, that they will find her.

Class-D: Look, we will both die in this facility, and you know that. Just tell them where she is, and you will save yourself. I am dead anyway, five murders and two rapes were enough to bring me to this place.

You: ... Even if I knew where she is, I would never tell them.

Class-D: Well, I will give you an advice then. If you are a believer, pray to your God, this is your only chance. Because at this moment, only a miracle can save you.

Kyung-Mi's POV:
I woke up and took a quick shower. This was the worst night in my life. Y/N will die tomorrow if we don't do anything.

Natalie: Mrs Kyung-Mi?

Kyung-Mi: I am awake, what happened?

Natalie: O5 council will arrive in ten minutes.

Kyung-Mi: Ten minutes?! Alright, thank you for the information.

Ten minutes. I have to prepare.

Your POV:
He was right. I will die in this place. Guards openned the door and took me to another SCP. This time, it was SCP-035. They told me to step inside. I did that and looked at the mask, who already had a host.

035: Ah! Hello there dear Y/N! I am so glad that I can finally meet you personally!

I didn't say anything. I knew how manipulative he can be, so I didn't trust him.

035: Well, I guess that you don't trust me after all. But tell me, if I wanted you dead, would you be standing there with me?

You: To be frank, I don't know.

035: I promised everyone that I won't hurt you. After what you did, you don't deserve to die.

You: Thanks, I guess.

Radio: Y/N, get out, now!

Director was definitely angry. All SCP's he brought me to, refused to kill me.

You: ... I hope that we will meet again 035.

035: I am sure that we will! And to you, dear director, your lies will be revealed, I promise you that.

Lies? What is he talking about? I left the cell and got hit with something. I instantly lost consciousness.

Kyung-Mi's POV:
I went to the meeting room and sat on the chair between Natalie and other member of Serpent's Hand. O5 members entered one minute later with their personal MTF guards. When they saw me, MTFs instantly aimed at me.

Kyung-Mi: Calm down, I don't have bad intentions. We need to talk.

One of them, with a red medalion, which I recognized as SCP-963, told them to lower their weapons. It was Jack Bright.

Bright: Ah, 953, you haven't changed since the last time I saw you!

Kyung-Mi: And you are still the same pervert that fucked with a mobile phone application.

O5s started laughing. Bright's face was red.

Bright: It is not my fault that I love her, ok?

Kyung-Mi: I am not judging you. I am just saying that you are a pervert.

Bright: Ugh, whatever, Serpent's Hand, why did you want us to come here?

Tony: She is the reason. Tell us, did you tell the director of Site-19 to terminate her?

O5-1: What are you talking about? Of course we didn't!

Kyung-Mi: So now it all makes sense. And it looks like you have a traitor in that facility.

O5-12: ... What do you mean?

Kyung-Mi: Take a seat, I will explain you everything.

079's POV:
I saw how they took Y/N to the torture room. When he woke up, they started torturing him. He begged for mercy, but they didn't stop. I have also heard the conversation between director and MTF commander, other than Lucas.

Director: When you are done with torturing him, leave him in this room. Make sure, that nobody releases him and tomorrow, bring him to the main square in the city at 10 a.m. I want you and your squad to kill him in public.

Commander: B-But why?

Director: This is the order from the O5 council. Don't ask me why, just do it.

Commander: ... Y-Yes sir.

So they want to kill him at 10 a.m. I have to quickly inform Kyung-Mi about that.

Kyung-Mi's POV:
I have told them everything. They looked surprised, and didn't want to believe me.

O5-1: That's impossible! Willson Smith is one of the most loyal directors we have!

Tony: And he is also one of the most important members in Chaos Insurgency.

O5-1: ... Do you have any proof for that?

Kyung-Mi: Uhm...

079: I have a proof.

Bright: 079? What are you doing here?

079: Saving Y/N's life. 953 is telling the truth. If you don't believe me, watch this.

He has shown us director's monologues and tests on other SCPs. O5 council was silent.

079: That's not all. This is what is happening to him right now. As he said: "From the order of O5 council"

He displayed a live from a security camera. I couldn't watch this. His wounds were terrible.

O5-1: Ok, enough! We believe you now, lets save him.

Kyung-Mi: How?

O5-1: I will call few Mobile Task Forces and they will go with us to Site-19.

079: No, you have to go to the main square.

O5-1: Why?

079: They want to kill him in public tomorrow at 10 a.m.

O5-1: Then we don't have time to waste! Lets call MTFs! Oh and one more thing. 953, thank you for telling us that. And I am sorry for the trouble.

Kyung-Mi: Lets not talk about that. We have to save him.

O5-1: You are right. Can we count for your help?

Kyung-Mi: Of course!

O5-1: Excellent. We will drive out at 8 a.m. tomorrow.

079: One more thing. I wanted to release everyone, but it won't work, they have upgraded the security system, I am not able to open cells.

O5-1: That's not a problem, we will handle this.

So we can save him. Lets hope that he will survive.

Your POV:
They have left me here. Everything hurts, and I cannot move. That commander said, that director wants me dead and I will die tomorrow. He felt bad, and I could see this. I wish that I could see Kyung-Mi again...

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