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Your POV:
So, it has been over ten years since I had started working for the Foundation. I and Kyung-Mi are married for seven years, and tomorrow is our anniversary. We have three kids - two girls and one boy. They don't have any anomalous abilities like Kyung-Mi, but it doesn't matter. What's more, Kyung-Mi said, that because she got pregnant once, she won't be immortal anymore. But she doesn't really care about that.

During these ten years, a lot of things happened. Chaos Insurgency got fully destroyed, because MTFs destroyed all their bases and took their SCPs. Foundation started cooperating with Serpent's Hand. They gave them many objects, which are friendly enough to live in a normal society, like SCP-073 or SCP-105. However, many objects are still in the Foundation, but I and Kyung-Mi are trying to integrate them with others. And we were able to do that with many objects.

049 got a job in a hospital, and helped create a cure for cancer. 035 got a job in a theater and says, that this is the best job of his life. Of course he needs hosts, so Foundation sends him mannequins. He can normally live in them, and thanks to that, he doesn't need to take bodies of other people. 076 found a job in a military. However, he still complains that there should be more wars, because he is bored. But everyone else sees him as the best soldier, so he doesn't attack anyone. 999 agreed to help in a nearby hospital, so people don't feel sad. It occurred that his presence helped 70% patients return to health from a dying state, which was a surprise.

Many other SCPs also live with humanity, but at this moment, it is hard to count them all. Of course, not all of them were so friendly. SCP-682 for example still hates humanity but says, that maybe in the future he will forgive them. It will take many years to create a perfect society, but it will happen, sooner or later.

I have been watching a movie with Kyung-Mi and our kids. Even after these ten years, our feelings didn't dissapear.

Chloe: Dad, Jack fell asleep again!

You: It is normal for him, he is only two years old.

Chloe: Did I also sleep as much as him when I was younger?

You: You slept even more Chloe. Compared to you, he is full of energy.

Chloe: Really?

You: Yea, but don't worry about that.

What can I say? That's everything I ever wanted. My life was good, and I was happy.

And that's the end. Y/N and Kyung-Mi lived together for the rest of their lifes. Their love resulted in three great kids, eight grandchildren and even more great-grandchildren. Together, they have been always happy. But would they be happy, if their fate was different? This was one of many endings for this story that I have prepared. Special thanks to MrsFruzia, my good friend in real life, that helped me choose this ending. I also have to thank everyone, who voted on this story and commented it. And of course special thanks to you, dear reader, for reading this story. But now, I have a question for all of you. Would you like to see alternate endings to this story? If so, tell me in the comments. For now that's everything, bye!

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