Part 13 - Battle for honor

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Your POV:
I don't know when I fell asleep, but it didn't really matter, because guards instantly grabbed me, pulled out of the facility and thrown me into a truck. Director was already waiting there with a giant smile on his face.

Director: After you die, everyone will see, that we are the ones who rule this world.

You: Go to hell.

Director: Heh, alright, I hope that you will wait for me there. Say your last prayer, because you won't survive this.

Kyung-Mi's POV:
Everything was ready. A huge army of Serpent's Hand soldiers, ten full trucks of Mobile Task Forces and the entire O5 council were driving to that city. Apparently, the river took me pretty far away, so we had to get there on time. I was driving in one car with Bright, because he was the only member of O5 council, that wasn't afraid to take me to his car.

Kyung-Mi: What if we will be late?

Bright: Don't worry, we will arrive perfectly, and this traitor will pay.

Kyung-Mi: What will you do with him?

Bright: I don't know, I thought that you wanted to kill him.

Kyung-Mi: Of course I want. He is going to pay for hurting Y/N.

Bright: You really love him, don't you?

Kyung-Mi: Yes, I do.

Bright: Interesting. I thought that you don't have any feelings.

Kyung-Mi: Very funny.

Bright: I am serious, do you know how many people we have lost because of you?

Kyung-Mi: ...

Bright: Whatever, it was the past, lets focus at saving him. We will get there first, I will drive faster.

Your POV:
When we arrived, two guards pulled me out and thrown on the ground. I saw, that some civilians were looking.

Director: Prepare.

MTFs were preparing to kill me. But I was too weak to run anyway.

Director: Aim.

I have lost consciousness.

Kyung-Mi's POV:

When we arrived, I saw how they were preparing to kill Y/N.

Director: Prepare.

Kyung-Mi: Bright, we have to do something!

He didn't waste time and instantly left the car.

Director: Aim.

Bright: If somebody dares to hurt this man, he will be punished.

Director and MTFs instantly looked at him.

Director: And who the fuck are you?

He pulled out his ID card and shown it to everyone.

Bright: Dr Jack Bright, also known as O5-2. Don't you dare to hurt him.

Other O5s, MTFs and Serpent's Hand members also arrived. I have decided to leave the car.

Director: Hah! Now I understand everything! You took control over them!

Kyung-Mi: I didn't have to do that. We have proof that you are a traitor Willson Smith!

Director: And where is that proof?

079: I am their proof.

079 was on the giant TV.

Director: What?! Who released him?!

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