Part 14 - Proposition

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Your POV:
My wounds healed, but I still felt a little weak. However I didn't complain, because Kyung-Mi was with me me. Doctors took off all bullets from my body, so when SCP-500 healed my injuries, I didn't have to worry about bullets. O5 council had to explain everything to the public, so the Foundation can restore it's good name. Site-19 still doesn't have a new director, because O5s didn't choose one. But that's not my problem. I have to talk with my boss. O5s said, that he already knows about everything, and he will arrive soon to visit me. We were sitting in a cafeteria, because I was really hungry. I have to say, they have a really good food here. Lucas was sitting with us, he was really afraid that I will die.

You: So, I think that's the end. We don't have to be scared that we will die.

Lucas: It depends on the decision of O5s, but I am almost sure, that they don't want anymore trouble.

Kyung-Mi: Anyway, what are we going to do with Chaos Insurgency? They may try to finish that machine.

Lucas: I have got an order, that we will attack their bases and destroy the machine. Something like that shall never exist.

The conversation lasted for another few minutes. We would talk longer, if Bright didn't interrupt us. He came to us and said:

Bright: Y/N, Lucas and 953, O5 council wants to see you.

Kyung-Mi: They want to see me? Aren't they afraid, that...

Bright: We trust you 953, now come.

We went to the meeting room. MTFs openned the door when we arrived, and closed it when we stepped inside. There were seventeen chairs - for O5 council, for us and for somebody else. We took a seat and started talking.

O5-1: Thank you for coming, we have few things to discuss. O5-6, could you?

O5-6: Of course. So, first of all, we would like to apologise for this entire situation. Y/N, we are glad that you have helped her and didn't leave her to die. We are also sorry for our previous director. We trusted him, but apparently, he wasn't a good person for this position.

You: Lets forget about that. We all make mistakes.

O5-6: We are aware of that, but our Foundation cannot accept mistakes like that.

Suddenly, somebody entered the meeting room. It was my boss.

Boss: I am sorry for being late, but guards didn't tell me where to go.

O5-6: No problem. Please, take a seat.

He sat on a chair.

O5-6: As an apology, please take this.

He gave me a small suitcase. There was five million dollars inside.

O5-6: You deserve this Y/N. Now, O5-8, your turn.

O5-8: Alright. Second of all, we would like to apologise to you, 953, for all of that. Take this as an apology.

He grabbed a full document about her and burned it with a lighter.

O5-8: We don't want to contain you anymore. These documents never existed. If Y/N agrees, you can live with him, of course as long as nothing bad happens.

Kyung-Mi: Well, it would be really nice.

O5-8: And now the last part. O5-1, could you?

O5-1: Of course. We saw your interactions with SCPs Y/N, and we are surprised, that they didn't do anything to you. That's why we have called your boss here. We would like to offer you a position of the director of Site-19. You will have a salary of 100 000 dollars per month and your own protection, for you and your girlfriend.

Boss: But Y/N is one of my best employees!

O5-1: We are aware of that. But it is his own decision.

They want to give me a job in Site-19? From one side, I would be safe, and Chaos Insurgency would not hurt me or Kyung-Mi. But from the other side, Kyung-Mi would love to leave this place.

You: ... I would like to accept this offer, but I don't want to force Kyung-Mi to stay in this place any longer.

Kyung-Mi: I think that I have got a proposition. If Y/N accepts this offer, I want us to have a possibility to leave the facility normally. You know, go to shop, go on holiday and things like that.

O5-1: Well, we don't contain you anymore, so that's not a problem. But you would have to live in the facility. You already know, that we have a huge area with apartments in Entrance Zone for our personel. I think that we could easily find something for you.

Kyung-Mi: That's not a problem for me. Decision belongs to you Y/N.

This is hard, but if she doesn't mind staying in this place, then I can accept this offer.

You: I think that I will accept this offer.

Boss: And that's how I lost one of my best employees... But I cannot stop you.

You: It was a pleasure to work for you boss.

Boss: I am glad that I could have an employee like you.

O5-1: Excellent. Lets sign all necesarry documents and we can begin.

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