Part 2 - First days

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I was in the kitchen making some manna-croup. It wasn't very tasty, but she must recover. One of the bullets penetrated her stomach, so she cannot eat anything hard at this moment. Luckily, I had a trick to make it better. I put some chocolate in it. After I did that, I have heard a voice full of pain from her room. She must have woken up. I took the bowl and brought it to her room.

You: I am glad that you woke up.

She looked at me scared but I quickly calmed her down.

You: Don't worry, I won't hurt you. But you have to recover. You got shot few times, you shouldn't move.

953: Ugh... Where am I?

You: In my house. I have brought you here after I and 049 helped you.

953: Wait a second, how do you know him?

You: 939s brought me to him after I have found you. By the way, what is your name? I don't want to call you SCP-953, because this is not a real name.

953: ... How do you know who I am?

You: I have read few raports in the past and I know many things.

953: ... The name is Kyung-Mi. And what is yours?

You: I am Y/N. Now you should eat something. Sadly, I can give you only that at this moment, but when your stomach regenerates, I will give you something better.

I gave her the manna-croup. She started eating, so I have decided not to interrupt her. I left the room and made myself some tea. I have decided, to make some tea for Kyung-Mi too. When the tea was done, I gave it to her and took a cup for myself. I also have her a phone, so she can call me if she needs something. It was only 5 p.m., but I was so tired already, that I have decided to go to sleep. Luckily, she didn't need anything more today, so I had a good sleep, but on the next day, I had to work again.

And that's how all my days looked like. I was helping her with everything and I was also making food for her. And I had to combine that with your normal work, so I had even less time than normally. Luckily, there was something, where I could say anything I wanted. It was my diary. Locked in a safe with two guns and I was the only one, who knew the code. I was writing everything in it.

Kyung-Mi's POV:
After these days I am feeling way better. I still don't trust Y/N, I have reasons to believe that he works for The Foundation or Chaos Insurgency. Probably the Chaos Insurgency, because if he was working for Foundation, he would have killed me long time ago. They want to use us, anomalies, as weapons for their own goals. He doesn't know, that I can normally move now, so when the night falls, I am going to kill him and escape.

Your POV:
I finished my work, wrote few things in my diary and went to sleep. Kyung-Mi is feeling way better now, so I am getting afraid of my life. Luckily, she still cannot move alone, so I can sleep peacefully.

Kyung-Mi's POV:
He went to sleep. It was my time to save my skin and escape. I went to his bedroom and openned the door quietly. I was right. He was already sleeping. I pulled out the claws. It will be quick. However, something caught my eye. It was a safe in the corner of the room. I have decided to check his mind and find out, what is the code. I really wonder what is inside. After reading in his mind I found out, that the code was the year of the battle under Austerlitz, 1805. Pretty original. I have openned it and saw two things: Two guns and a diary. I have expected something like gold or money, but diary? I have decided to take it and read it. Apparently, he was writing in it everything he thought. I wonder what he wrote after he found me.

Today was my day off. I have decided to go to a forest to get some mushrooms. However, I have found a girl, that got shot by two soldiers. Later I knew that these soldiers were MTFs. Foundation gave an order of termination on her. Together with 049 we have saved her and I have brought her to my house. Luckily, she is alive and awake, but she needs to regenerate. I know who she is, so this may be one of the last things I write in this diary, but honestly, I don't care. At least I have saved somebody and did something in my life.

So he wasn't lying, he really found me and saved me. I have skipped to day 15.

Kyung-Mi is feeling better now. She is still in bad condition, but she will definitely survive. I have been looking through the window to make sure, that MTFs won't find her. If they knew that she survived, we would both die. She would die from the order of termination, and I would become a class D for hiding her.

Still nothing about him being a member of Chaos Insurgency. I have skipped to the last date.

Kyung-Mi is feeling way better now. She still cannot normally walk, but I think that this is gonna change soon. I don't know if she is going to kill me or not, but it is not my problem. I just hope that MTFs won't find her. I don't know why do they want to kill her, but something is not right. If this is my last note, then please know, that I don't have a reason to live anyway. Being alone is really hard. It doesn't matter that I have great salary, if I cannot confide in anyone. Just know, that I don't regret anything.

Two tear stains are on this page. Wow, he must have been alone for most of his life. I am going to make this quick then. I approached him and pulled out my claws again. I looked at his defenceless body and hesitated for a moment. To be honest, he was the only person that treated me like a normal human, and not like somebody different. He was the only one who didn't care about my apperance. I looked at my claws and hid them back.

This was the first hesitation moment I have had in a really long time, and I didn't know how to feel. I just... couldn't kill him...I can't... If he hadn't helped me, I would have been dead. And he knew he was risking his own life to save mine. I left his room, closed the door and silently went to mine. I guess that the foundation was right. I am a beast, I wanted to kill somebody, who just saved me. Slowly I collapsed onto my bed and started crying.

Everyone deserves a second chance. SCP-953 x readerWhere stories live. Discover now