Alternate ending 1 - Escape

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So, the story is finished, but I wanted to share with you few endings which I have created, while I was creating this story. It was hard to choose, which one should be the final one, so I have asked my friend for a help.

This ending would happen, if Y/N and Kyung-Mi planned to escape earlier. They would escape few days earlier, but the Foundation would know, that they are together.

Your POV:
It was hard to do, but we found a way how to escape from the Foundation. My old friend is a president of Switzerland now, so we had to contact him. I told him about everything, and he said, that he will give us Swiss citizenship.

I have found a person willing to buy this house. We will need money in Switzerland, before I get a new job. I have already talked with my boss and told him, that I am going to quit the job im few days. He wasn't happy about that, but he accepted my decision.

I had our plane tickets. Kyung-Mi was wearing a hat to hide her ears, so she had to take control over few people working on the airport to pass without taking it off. While we were waiting, I have decided to call my mother and tell her, that I will be somewhere else now. I took my phone and called her.

Mother: Hello?

You: Hey mom, I have something to tell you.

Mother: Is this something important?

You: Yea, I am on the airport, my plane will arrive in ten minutes.

Mother: Are you going on holidays?

You: No, I am leaving this country.

She didn't say anything for few seconds.

Mother: B-But why?

You: It is complicated, I can only tell you, that me and my girlfriend will go somewhere else.

Mother: You have a girlfriend?! Why didn't you tell me?

You: ... Do you remember the containment breach from the Foundation few months ago?

Mother: Yes...?

You: That's how we met. Now the Foundation is trying to find her. We have to escape. This is the last time we talk. After this call, I am breaking the phone.

Lucas: Wait a second, Y/N, it is me, Lucas. Is your girlfriend SCP-953?!

You: Yes, how did you know?

Lucas: ... Stay where you are, we are coming to save you!

You: Heh... Our plane just arrived. I am breaking this phone, don't try to find us. She will have a better life with me, don't worry.

Lucas: But...

I have ended the call, dropped my phone and stepped on it to break it. The entire phone broke into small pieces. I have thrown it to the trash, and entered the plane with Kyung-Mi. After the plane started flying, I have looked through the window and saw, that the Foundation was under us, and they were looking at the plane. This time, we were faster.

Lucas' POV:
This must be a joke. The plane flied away. I have sent two MTFs to check, where they are going to land, and I have decided to make a call to O5 council. I didn't want to tell the director yet.

Lucas: Commander Lucas here, I have got bad news.

O5-4: O5-4 here, what happened?

Lucas: SCP-953 escaped somewhere.

O5-4: And you call us to tell us about a containment breach?!

Lucas: No... I remember your order to terminate her, and I will make sure, that this will happen, but...

Everyone deserves a second chance. SCP-953 x readerWhere stories live. Discover now