Part 6 - Christmas

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Your POV:
So, it is Christmas already. We have already got a Christmas Tree, and what's more, I have two weeks of paid leave, because it was snowing so hard, that it destroyed the building with our servers and we cannot do anything anymore. So, our boss decided that unless it is fixed, we can do whatever we want. I don't complain, I can finally have some time for myself. I have already bought everything, and now we have to prepare it.

Kyung-Mi's POV:
To be honest, it will be my first normal Christmas outside the Foundation. We usually wished each other the best of luck through SCP-1048, who could sneak almost anywhere, but that was all. I am also glad that the foundation doesn't search for me anymore. We were are preparing food for the Christmas Eve, when Y/N's phone called.

Your POV:
We were stuffing the turkey, when my phone called. It was from my mother. I already knew what she is going to say, but I have answered anyway.

You: Hello?

Mother: Hey Y/N, would you like to come to us for Christmas Eve today?

I knew it. We always celebrated Christmas together, with all aunts, uncles and other relatives. But I cannot leave Kyung-Mi.

You: I would love to, but I can't.

Mother: Did something happen? Are you sick?

What should I say? I cannot tell her that I am spending this Christmas with Kyung-Mi, because she will certainly invite her too, and it will be a disaster if somebody will know about her. I also can't say that we have Christmas Eve in our office, because everone knows about that accident.

You: No, don't worry, I am not sick. With my job I couldn't get sick anyway.

Mother: Maybe you are right. But what are you doing then? What is more important that Christmas with your family?

Suddenly, an idea came to my mind.

You: I will be somewhere else. We have a huge Christmas Eve with people from my highschool.

Mother: Oh. Well, I hope that you will visit us the next time then.

You: I will try. Nobody knows if I will be still alive after one year.

Mother: Don't even say that! You have a lot of life in front of you!

You: You cannot be sure about that. But I hope that we will see each other again in the next year.

Mother: I am sure that we will. Bye! Merry Christmas!

You: Merry Christmas mom.

I have ended the call. I somehow managed to trick her. Somehow.

Kyung-Mi: Did you really sacrifice a meeting with your family for me?

You: You deserve to have normal Christmas.

Kyung-Mi: Wow, I-I don't know what to say.

You: Don't say anything.

Kyung-Mi: A-Alright, thank you.

You: No problem.

For three more hours, we have been preparing all dishes. When we finally put it on the table, we had: Turkey, carp, soup, cabbage with mushrooms, mashed potatoes and many other things. When we finally sat to the table, we wished each other the best of luck and started eating.

Kyung-Mi's POV:
That was my first real Christmas and I am glad that I could spend it with Y/N. With him, I finally feel like a normal person. I haven't felt like that since 1942, when these scientists experimented on me and turned me into... this. I have already told him about that some time ago and he understood me.

Kyung-Mi: Y/N.

You: Yes?

Kyung-Mi: I wanted to thank you. I haven't felt like this for a very long time.

You: Don't mention it, that's nothing.

Kyung-Mi: Nothing? You saved me and gave me a second chance to live!

You: And I would do it again if I had to. Oh, that reminded me about something. I have got a present for you.

Is he serious? He got something for me?

You: I have bought it last month and kept it closed until today. Here you go. *Gives a box* Merry Christmas Kyung-Mi!

I have openned the box and saw a necklace and earrings in it. The necklace was made from silver with a crystal in it, and earrings were from gold.

Kyung-Mi: Wow. They are... Beautiful... But how much did you pay for them?

You: I had 10% discount because my old friend works there, but the price doesn't matter.

Kyung-Mi: Why did you spend so much money on them? This is real silver and gold, they weren't cheap I am sure about that!

You: You are right, they weren't cheap, but I am one of the best programmers, I earn 50 000$ monthly, because I am working for them for only two years.

Kyung-Mi: Wow, even scientists in the Foundation don't earn that much. But I don't have any present for you!

You: I don't need anything. I only want you to be happy.

Kyung-Mi: T-Thanks.

After all this time, I think, that I fell in love with him. But I don't think that he will think the same feeling towards me. I wish that he felt the same, but who is going to love somebody like me?

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