Part 1 - The legends are true

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Your POV:
I was stunned. The reptile could speak like a human, and watched me with anger in eyes. I knew, that he is going to accuse me for that, so I have decided to explain him the truth.

You: If you want to blame somebody, then don't blame me. I am just trying to help her.

Reptile 1: Of course! First of all you shot her and now you say that it wasn't you?!

You: Because it wasn't me! Two soldiers shot her and when they left, I instantly tried to help her!

I was shaking. I didn't want to see somebody die, because I couldn't do anything.

Reptile 1: ... If you really want to help her, put her on me, sit on my friend and come with us.

I did as he said. The reptiles started walking to the center of the forest and during this journey, I was trying to prevent her from bleeding out. After short time, I was in a small camp. However, there was something, that was scaring me. I saw things, that shouldn't normally exist. A statue, that can move only, when you don't look at it, an old man covered in a black liquid, that can pass through the matter and many other things. One of the reptiles said:

Reptile 1: Where is 049? We need him instantly.

Everyone looked at me, but none of them tried to attack me. They saw, that I was trying to help, but they were suspiciously looking at me. After few second, a person, probably a doctor appeared. His clothes looked like the clothes of medievial doctors and he was wearing a white, bird mask on his face. He spoke in a monotonic voice:

Doctor: I do not sense The Pestilence in him. But we need to help her instantly. Would you like to help us human?

Human? After what I saw, I wasn't surprised that he called me like this. I agreed to help him. I and him put her body on a table and he gave me a pair of gloves.

049: Put them on.

I did as he said. He pulled out of the bag few things and started performing an operation. He disinfect her wounds, pulled out the bullets and sew up the wounds. Suddenly, I have realised everything. I remembered, how I was fascinated in paranormal things in the past, and even now, when I didn't believe in that anymore, I still remembered all those hours spent on the Internet.

You: I have a question. You are SCPs, am I correct?

Doctor looked at me and said:

049: You are correct. And as you probably know, my name is SCP-049.

You: So all of that wasn't a fiction? And the foundation is real?

049: Yes, it is real. Do you know her name?

I looked at her again. After short amount of time, I remembered her number.

You: 953, am I correct?

049: Yes.

Well, this was awkward. I just saved a life of a woman, that killed so many people. But from the other side, my mother always told me, that everyone deserves a second chance, and I was  willing to give her that chance.

049: Can I know your name?

You: Y/N L/N.

049: Alright Y/N. I will have to ask you for a favour. Could you take her with you? She needs to regenerate, and the foundation gave an order of termination on her.

You: Termination? Isn't their motto...

049: Secure, Contain, Protect? I don't know anymore. But she cannot stay here. They will come back. And if they find her, she will certainly die. So, could you help her?

I said yes, before I realised what I just did.

049: Thank you so much. I will tell 939s to escort you safely. Without you, she would die.

You: Alright, thank you.

I took her on my arms and left the tent. Other SCPs looked at me, but 049 said:

049: I need two instances of 939s to escort them. He is going to take her with him. If anyone hurts him, he will have to deal with me. Without him, she would be dead already.

Everyone was silent. Two reptiles approached me, and 049 told them, to make sure, that we are safe.

I and the reptiles went in the direction of my car. On my way, I have found my bucket with mushrooms so I took it. When I arrived to my car, they left me, I openned the back door of the car and put her on back seats. I started the car and drove to my house. I took the longer, but less populated road to make sure, that nobody sees her. When I finally arrived, I have parked my car, openned the door, took her on my arms, closed the door and stepped inside my house. Luckily, I had a second bedroom for guests, so I put her in the bed.

I didn't know what to think about that. She could kill me if she returns to health. But honestly, I didn't care. Death was better than being alone without a reason to live. But maybe, just maybe, she would change. And I really hoped that this will happen. I took some painkillers, poured some water to the glass and put it on a table next to her bed. I looked at her again. She looked really cute while she was sleeping. If I didn't read all of those raports few years ago, I wouldn't expect that she could have killed so many people.

Everyone deserves a second chance. SCP-953 x readerWhere stories live. Discover now