Part 8 - Easter

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Your POV:
It has been over three months, since I and Kyung-Mi revealed our true feelings. Easter is coming really soon, and from what I know, my mother will try to invite me for a family breakfast. Normally, I would agree, but I have to refuse. But what am I supposed to say?

Kyung-Mi: Hey Y/N, what are you thinking about?

You: My mother will try to invite me for an Eastern. And I have to refuse. I don't want anyone to know about us. If somebody sees you, Foundation will instantly send all forces to eliminate us.

Kyung-Mi: I know, I am still afraid that they will find out. But you cannot refuse your own mother Y/N.

You: I am afraid that I have to. *Phone rings* As I expected. But I have got a plan. *You answer the call. H-Hello?

Mother: Hi son, did something happen?

You: Nothing I am just *coughs* sick.

Mother: That's so unlucky. I guess that you won't come for the family breakfast this year.

You: Sadly no. But maybe *coughs* the next year.

Mother: I hope so. Happy Easter son! Get well soon!

You: *Coughs* Happy Easter mom.

I have ended the call. I think that she believed me.

Kyung-Mi: You know that you didn't have to do that.

You: I had to. For you.

Kyung-Mi: But you know, sooner or later, they will find out. And then the Foundation will kill us. We need a plan to escape somewhere from the Foundation.

You: I am aware of that. And I have got an idea what to do. If something happens, we will escape to Switzerland. Their government gives them money, but they don't have any sites there.

Kyung-Mi: How do you know that?

You: I have searched through the internet. Since they had revealed themselves, they put a map of their sites around the world. Switzerland is a safe place for us if something bad happens.

Kyung-Mi: Alright, but lets hope that we won't have to escape.

Another two days passed really quickly. Today was Easter, so I and Kyung-Mi prepared a special breakfast for this day. There was almost everything. Eggs, ham, lamb, bread, horseradish and that was just the beginning. Of course, we wouldn't eat everything, so we have decided that we will eat it for lunch and dinner. I am sad that we couldn't spend that with my entire family, but we cannot risk anything. I wonder, how are they doing without me.

Mother's POV:
That was really unlucky. Y/N was sick and couldn't spend this Easter with us. The same thing was with Christmas. Luckily, everyone else arrived and we started eating. After we are everything, we started talking about our lifes.

Mother: Tell me Lucas, how are you doing? After all, you work for that Foundation.

Lucas: Not bad, my squad is pretty good, but O5s have some strange wishes. During the last containment breach, they wanted us to kill SCP-953, nobody knows why. Now they want to end exercises to strengthen the will of our mind. But that's the only thing that makes us resistant to mind controlling SCPs!

Mother: Yes, that's definitely strange. But not as strange as your brother's sickness.

Lucas: I am also surprised. He was always healthy, but to be honest, everyone can get sick.

Suddenly, Lucas' phone rang, and he went outside to answer.

Lucas' POV:
I left to answer the call. It was from our director.

Lucas: Commander Beta-11, what happened?

Director: Hey, sorry that I interrupt your Easter, but we have got a problem.

Lucas: Containment breach?

Director: No. We have got information from one of 939s, that SCP-953 survived and escaped with somebody.

Lucas: Are you kidding me? These morons cannot kill a single person?

Director: Yes, and I guess that you don't remember, who was sent for that mission?

Lucas: No, sorry.

Director: Alright, I have a new mission for you and your squad. You have to find SCP-953 and the person that helped her escape. Kill 953 and bring that person to our facility.

Lucas: But she can be anywhere!

Director: Well, you are the one responsible for all other commanders now. Tell every single unit to search for SCP-953.

Lucas: Alright, I will contact the ones in South Korea first. I will also talk with North Korean regime, maybe they know something.

Director: Good idea.

I have ended the call. Just great. Keter is free and we don't know where is she. I have returned to the table.

Father: Did something happen Lucas?

Lucas: Ugh, 953 is not dead, she somehow survived and escaped with somebody.

Father: Is she dangerous?

Lucas: She is a keter, the most difficult basic class to contain.

Father: ... Do you know where she is?

Lucas: To be honest. She can be anywhere. But she probably escaped to South or North Korea.

Director's POV:
For fuck sake! 953 is still alive! That's not good, she may ruin our plan! Our machine is not ready yet, but luckily, O5s don't know anything. Soon, the entire world will be under our control! O5s will clean our shoes, SCPs will be our slaves and we will become superiors! If we find her of course. She can resist our control and overwrite it with her abilities. That's why she must die.

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