Alternate ending 2 part 2 - Hope

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*Year 2471*

Alien 1: So, do we know what destroyed that planet?

Alien 2: For me it looks like a massive attack with nuclear weapons. Somebody destroyed that civilization completly.

Alien 1: That's... Terrible... Do you know, who could do something like that?

Alien 2: I have no clue.

Alien king: There is no time to be sad, lets check that planet and see, if there is something, that could be useful.

Aliens landed on the territory of Site-19. One of them, found SCP-963, in perfect condition

Alien 1: Hey, something survived!

Alien king: What is that?

Alien 1: It looks like a medallion. I want to check if it fits me. *He put it on, and Jack Bright took control over his body* Ugh...

Alien king: Did something happen?

Bright: Wh-What is this new body?

Alien king: W-Who are you?!

Bright looked at the alien king. He looked like a normal human.

Bright: I can ask you the same. Who are you, and what are you doing on this planet?!

Alien: Guards!

Few other aliens ran to the King and aimed at Bright.

Bright: ... Trust me, I would love to die, but because of that medallion, I can't. It keeps my soul, when somebody puts it on, I will automatically enter his body.

Alien king: ... Lower your weapons. Are you one of them? The ones, that lived on this planet?

Bright: Yea...

Alien king: What happened then?

Bright told them the entire story. However, he didn't know, why MTFs killed SCP-953.

Alien king: ...I don't know what to say. Did you try to stop that at least?

Bright: We did, but it was too late.

Alien king: I wonder why did he do that.

Bright: Better question should be, who told MTFs to kill SCP-953?

Alien king: Lets check his house then. Maybe something survived.

Bright: I doubt it. He sent over 10 000 nukes.

Bright and aliens went to ruins of Y/N's house. Something in the house survived.

Alien king: There is something in here. Could you check that?

Bright: It looks like a safe. But how the heck did a safe survive a nuclear explosion?!

Alien king: I don't know, but it looks like it is made from phones or something.

Bright came closer to the safe.

Bright: Nokia 3310. I should have expected that. Even if 682 died from all of that, this thing could survive.

Alien king: Can you try and open that?

Bright: It may take some time. 10 000 possibilities.

Bright tried to guess the code. After few minutes, he successfully typed 1805 - The date of battle under Austerlitz. The safe openned, and he saw two guns and a diary. Diary was in a bad condition, but Bright carefully openned it and began to read.

Everyone deserves a second chance. SCP-953 x readerWhere stories live. Discover now