Alternate ending 4 - Sacrifice

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This ending would happen, if Kyung-Mi wanted to sacrifice herself, so Y/N won't get hurt.

Your POV:
Suddenly, I have heard gunshots from the living room. Kyung-Mi was running away in her fox form and hid behind me.

You: ... Don't you dare to touch her...

Lucas: Y/N, calm down, don't worry, everything will be fine...

You: I won't let you hurt her!

Kyung-Mi: No, that's fine. Leave me alone Y/N.

I was shocked. Does she want to die?

You: I won't let you die!

Kyung-Mi: You have already shown me, that there are good people on this world Y/N. But they won't stop.

She stepped in front of me and said:

Kyung-Mi: Do what you have to do.

Lucas: ... On my command.

MTFs aimed at her.

You: Kyung-Mi, no!

Lucas: Set.

I had to save her.

Kyung-Mi's POV:
I have prepared myself. I was afraid to die, but I didn't want them to hurt Y/N. I have closed my eyes and heard gunshots, but I didn't feel any pain. I have openned my eyes, and I saw Y/N standing in front of me. This MTF commander looked terrified.

Lucas: Oh God, Y/N no!

You: Kyung-Mi... Run...

Kyung-Mi: But...

You: I said run! Don't look back!

I started crying, but I have listened him and ran to his room, openned the window and escaped.

Your POV:
I took all these bullets on myself. Kyung-Mi ran away, I hope that she will be safe. I fell on the ground. Lucas instantly ran to me and tried to stop my bleeding.

Lucas: Oh dear God, what did I do?! Don't you dare to close your eyes Y/N!

You: Heh... There is something... You have to know Lucas... I wasn't under her control... We loved each other...

Lucas: What?! But...

You: And now... She is free... And your Foundation won't find her...

After I said that, I blacked out.

Lucas' POV:
I am an idiot, I have killed my own brother... Did they really love each other? I didn't know the answer anymore. I told my squad to search for 953, while I will call my mother. Somebody has to tell her, that my brother is dead.

Kyung-Mi's POV:
I ran to the forest and changed into a fox. I hid in a hole and started crying again. He was the only human I really liked and loved, and now... he is gone. O5 council will pay for that. I know where is the Site, where they have their meeting. I saw somebody driving to the forest. Luckily, this guy wasn't an MTFs. When he left his car, I put my claws on his neck and told him, to drive to that site. He was scared, but did what I said. It took us three hours to get there. After that, I hit him and erased his memories. He won't remember anything when he wakes up.

I have killed few MTFs, who were guarding the site. I took a level 5 keycard from their commander and openned the door leading to the meeting room. O5 council looked at me terrified.

Kyung-Mi: You fucking shits. You will pay for that.

O5-8: Guards!

Kyung-Mi: They are all dead. Now, I want you to tell me, why did you want to terminate me. I want to know this answer before I kill you.

O5-1: ... What are you talking about?

Kyung-Mi: Don't try to play stupid! You gave your MTFs an order to terminate me, and now because of that, the only person I truely loved is dead!

O5-1: ... You can read in my mind, we never gave this order.

I have checked his mind, and he was telling the truth.

Kyung-Mi: ... I don't understand anything anymore. Director told MTFs, that you gave an...

O5-4: Willson Smith did that?

Kyung-Mi: Yes...?

O5-4: ... So I was right. Listen 953, we aren't the ones responsible for that, it was Chaos Insurgency's plan. Willson Smith works for them, and I have suspected him for a long time.

Kyung-Mi: ... So, what is our plan?

O5-1: 953, I think that I have a proposition for you.

*Three years later*

Finally, after those three years, I have killed all Chaos Insurgency members. I have destroyed all their sites and released all SCPs from them. However, the person I enjoyed killing the most was Willson Smith, the one responsible for Y/N's death. He had his grave on Foundation's cementary, and I was standing next to it. I had one of his guns in my pocket. I didn't want to suffer anymore. O5s agreed to release me, but I didn't care anymore. Without him, my life was pointless. MTFs were watching me from the distance, but they didn't know my plan. I have pulled out a gun and aimed at my head. I saw, how they are running to stop me, but it was too late. I have shot once and I didn't feel anything anymore.

I have openned my eyes and saw, that I am in
Y/N's house again, and he was sitting on a chair.

You: Kyung-Mi, I have missed you so much!

Kyung-Mi: Y/N?! How is this possible?

You: Welcome to the afterlife. Now, nobody is going to stop us from being together.

Lucas' POV:
I saw how 953 killed herself. We couldn't stop her. I have called the O5 council.

O5-1: Did something happen?

Lucas: ... 953 commited a suicide. She couldn't live without him.

O5-1: ... So it looks like she had some feelings.

Lucas: So, what should we do?

O5-1: She deserves a good furneral. Make her a grave next to him. I hope that they are in better place now.

The end

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