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Author's Pov.
"Nana, I heard your grandson is coming to spend the holiday with you. Mrs. Xiao asked,"

Yes, he is. I can't wait to see him. He is a carbon copy of my son before he died. Nana said sadly,

God bless his soul, Mrs. Xiao whispered. It's a good thing he is coming. He'll make friends with the boys. How old is he? Mrs. Xiao asked.

"He is 10 years old," Nana replied.

Oh, and some of the boys are older than him by 4 and 5 years. I guess he will be like their little brother. Mrs. Xiao said

And the boys came running. Nana, is it true your grandson is coming for the holiday?

Yes, boys, he is coming. Nana replied with a smile spreading across her face.

When is he coming? They asked in unison.

Tomorrow evening, Nana replied.

"Hmmm, that's enough boys, let's go. There's nothing special about a new kid coming. With a smirk, Xiao Zhan said.

And the boys left... they'd been friends since they were 4 years old!

Mum, that's enough, you packed too many clothes already. Yibo whined.

"No dear, I didn't. You'll make new friends and hang out with them sometimes." Mrs. Wang replied.

Even at that, it's still too much. Yibo replied.

"You might decide to give a few of them out, young man. Now stop whining and go pack your backpack," Mrs. Wang said.

Mom, have you packed yet? Will Kuan ge accompany us?Yibo asked.

No baby, he has exams to write, but once he is done, he'll join us over there, okay? Mrs. Wang said.

Yibo, what are you still doing? Our flight is in 2 hours. "

I can't find my lucky charm necklace, mum. Where did you keep it? Yibo screamed from upstairs so his mum would hear.

"I dropped it in your backpack," Mrs. Wang yelled back.

"And he rushed down since it was in his backpack."

"Immediately they got to Shanghai airport, they announced boarding to Beijing."

Without waiting any further, they walked to immigration and boarded shortly after.

We would have missed our flight because of your necklace, Yibo, Mrs. Wang said.

Yibo just rolled his eyes and mouthed "sorry."

Two and a half hours later, they arrived at Beijing airport. The air felt different; the wind was blowing back and forth. They picked up their luggage and headed to the car park.

"Nana and her driver were already waiting to pick them up."

Yibo hugs his Nana and enters the car without saying nothing.

"Man of a few words, just like his father," Nana said.

Mrs. Wang just smiles. How have you been, Nana? You look younger every time I see you.

Nana just smiles and says, "Don't whine now."

As the driver approaches Nana's house on the street, he slows down. Yibo sees Zhan and keeps staring at him. Who is he? Nana, Yibo asked.

Oh, that's Xiao Zhan, my neighbor's son. Nana smiled as she said, "Don't worry, you will meet the boys."

I don't want to meet the boys. I want to meet him. He is handsome, with black silky hair. Yibo whispered

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