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When Yibo got to where Zhuocheng and Xuan Lu had parked their car, they ran to him!

"Are you okay?" He hit you, right? Did he hurt you in any way?" Tell me, Yibo. Did he hurt you? Xuan Lu held his hands.

No, he didn't, sister. I'm just being stupid and living in my world. Zhan ge does not love me! Please drop me off at home!

During all of this, Li Bowen was watching from somewhere. Why didn't they stay together for the night? Does he hate him for real? Oh, my! Why isn't my plan working? He groaned out of anger!

Zhan was in his room crying because he had hurt Yibo. He didn't like how he talked and treated the love of his life. I'm sorry, Yibo, but this will be over soon. I love you fluffy lion!

"Zhuocheng and Xuan Lu drove away after dropping Yibo off at home!"

Nana was waiting in the sitting room when she noticed Yibo enter, and she knew something was wrong! He sat beside her, his face buried in her lap. She simply rubbed his back while he sobbed uncontrollably...

Nana, I want to go to Shanghai. He didn't tell her what had happened between him and Zhan... all he knew was that he felt suffocated, used, and hated himself for it.

When would you like to fly, baby? Nana asks.

In the early hours of the morning! Having cried to his heart's content, he headed straight to his room to pack.

Nana called Haikuan and asked him to book the first available flight for Yibo.

It was a lovely Saturday morning. Yibo kissed his grandmother on the cheek. You should pay me a visit now and then, Nana; I've grown accustomed to you and will miss you greatly. Tears threatened to well up in his eyes.

Don't begrudge me now, Yibo; you can see me. Nana's phone rang, interrupting their conversation. Mrs. Xiao was involved in an accident.

Is she all right? Yibo inquired.

"She's all right!"

Oh, thank God, I'll see her on my way to the airport! He kissed his Nana goodbye and then left!

On his way to see Mrs. Xiao, Yibo overheard Mr. Bin and Zhan conversing. I warned you to avoid that boy, but you didn't listen! What happened to your mother this morning pales in comparison to what I would do to him.

Yibo walked back emotionless, his hand over his mouth to cover the scream that was about to escape, tears streaming down his cheeks!!! His breathing became irregular, and his knees became weak, but he dragged himself to the car and just lay there wailing in agony!

I thought he was avoiding me, but he actually loves me.

Zhan swore he wasn't with Yibo. I slept alone in my room. I was inebriated! You've got to believe me! Mr. Bin, I'll make you pay for this with your life. First you deprived me of your love, now you hurt my mother. Oh, you'll pay for this! Zhan thought.

This is just my warning to you; don't bite more than you can chew! Have a good day and Mr. Bin walked out!

Li Bowen, Mr. Bin, Ziyi, y'all will pay for making my life harder than it should be! Zhan screamed in frustration.

When Yibo got to the airport, he left with a heavy heart, red and swollen eyes from crying too much. "Zhan ge!" You'll be safe now!" Always be happy. I'll miss you so much. I'm sorry I doubted your feelings.

A day before the wedding of the century, Li Bowen is losing his mind. After everything he has done, this wedding is still going to take place. Oh no, I won't let that happen. Since Yibo was not around, he turned to Ziyi

After a long time of pacing around the house, he visited Bin's residence.
Ziyi was in the backyard, fixing her nails, when she requested fresh orange juice!!! He immediately rushed to the kitchen and served her some. He blessed the juice with purgative medicine. Let's see what your tummy is made of, Ziyi!

He left and gave it to one worker to give it to Ziyi. He walked straight to Yubin's room and slept!

After an hour and a half, Ziyi grumbled.
Her stomach hurt so much that she got up and walked to her room while rubbing her stomach with one hand, and the other hand held her bum.

With every step she took, she farted. She was so embarrassed that everyone was looking at her.

When she entered her room, she emptied her stomach, but the urge wouldn't stop. She trips to the loo every 10 minutes. She got so tired after 3 hours of purging that she passed out.

They rushed her to the hospital.

Mrs. Bin mumbled, "What bad luck is this now?"

The wedding was postponed as the bride was still in the hospital...

Yibo is still pondering over the conversation he heard at Zhan's place! He remembered Haikuan asked how long he could endure. Does Haikuan know about it too? Does Zhuocheng know too? He also remembered when Zhan said, "Give me some time to fix my mess."

I fall into their trap all the time. Who's trapped?

After Ziyi spent four days in the hospital, they finally discharged her. They all sat in the sitting room and wanted to blame someone, but there was no one for them to blame.

Yibo couldn't have done anything. He was in Shanghai when everything happened. But Ziyi knew it was Li Bowen, but she couldn't prove it. As Yu Bin said, by the time she had the juice, he was sleeping in his room!

Such bad luck! Since Yibo is not around to threaten you anymore, why don't we wait until the wedding is supposed to take place? She has just a year to graduate while you handle the business aspect of Mr. Xiao. Mrs. Bin said to her husband.

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