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The days are fast approaching. Yibo's one-month holiday is down to one week.

And those 3 weeks he spent with Zhan. All he does was listen to him talk about what he liked, what he does not like, things he does when he is bored, his favorite food, and his favorite game.

Nana, can I please stay at Zhan ge's place for 3 days?

What? "No, you can't," Mrs. Wang yelled from the kitchen.

"Nana please," he pleaded, with puppy eyes.

Why do you want to spend 3 nights there? Nana asked.

I want to see what he looks like when he is sleeping and when he wakes up in the morning. Yibo said shyly.

He will feel uncomfortable. Yibo, Nana replied, sternly.

Can you at least ask him? If he says "no, I won't go" Yibo said.

Okay, I will call Mrs. Xiao to ask

Nana, you're spoiling this boy, Mrs. Wang said.

Aren't you happy he made friends? Nana teased. Nana picks up her phone and calls Mrs. Xiao,

"Hello Nana, good afternoon.

Hello, Mrs. Xiao Good afternoon.

Sorry,  AI'm invading your privacy. If it's not too much trouble for you, Yibo said he wants to have a sleepover at your residence.

I'm sure Zhan will like his company. He can come over, Mrs. Xiao replied!

Can you ask Zhan to be sure he won't be uncomfortable with the idea? Nana said,

Okay, hold on. Mrs. Xiao replied.

Zhan Zhan, there's a call for you from Nana.

Okay, he replied

Hello Nana, good afternoon, Zhan greeted happily.

Good afternoon Zhan, Yibo wants to have a sleepover at your place for 3 days since he is going back to Shanghai in a few days. If it's not convenient for you, he will understand... Nana said calmly.

It's okay, Nana, he can come over whenever he is ready. Zhan replied

Okay, thank you. Nana said

He said you can come over whenever you're ready.

Oh, I am ready now. Yibo ran to his room, carried his backpack and his camera, and left. See you, Nana.

Be careful Yibo, she yelled, so he'll hear.

Yibo hopped happily to Zhan's house, as he was hummmm.

When he got there, he pressed the bell, and someone opened the gate, "Oh, Yibo, you're here. Their security said as he opened the main entrance.

He bows and greets the elderly man and walks inside. Mr. and Mrs. Xiao were in the sitting room when he entered. He bowed and greeted them. He thought to himself that they had great taste in their furniture; the curtains matched the design of their mahogany chairs and the paintings on the wall. His thoughts were cut short when Mrs. Xiao told him to go to Zhan's room! Okay, Mrs. Xiao, thank you. He bows and follows her direction.

He knocks on the door and enters. Zhan ge, thank you for having me over, he says with a smile as he walks into Zhan's room.

You're welcome. I'm glad you came. I'm bored. Let me show you around. He  collects his backpack and places it in his walk-in closet.

He gave him a tour of their house, Yibo was happy, clingy, and never left Zhan's hand.

That evening, Mrs. Xiao invited the Wangs over for dinner, and the rest of the boys with their families.

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