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It is a beautiful Saturday morning and Yibo is ready to go to the airport when Zhan walks in.

Good afternoon Nana, Is it okay if I follow you to the airport? Zhan asks, hiding his blush.

Afternoon Zhan, sure .... Yibo is in his room.

Zhan goes to Yibo's room, knocks, and enters when he hears a faint come in. Hey, fluffy lion. He smiles.

Zhan ge Yibo hugs him! I'll miss you Zhan ge, Yibo pout.

I'll miss you too fluffy. Be a good boy and face your studies, okay? Zhan pinches his cheeks.

I'll see you every holiday and you can come to Shanghai whenever you feel like it. Yibo hummed happily.

Okay, fluffy, aren't you tired of taking pictures of me? Zhan said.

Your face is too handsome. I can't help myself. Yibo blush.

Yibo, don't let us miss our flight Mrs. Wang yells.

Zhan helped Yibo carry his bag, and they left for the airport. He intertwined hands with Zhan in the car until they got to the airport.

Don't cry now. I'll call you every morning and evening, Zhan said.

Can you bend down a little? Yibo asked.

Sure. Zhan replied.

Yibo gave a light peck to Zhan on his cheek and used his thumb to trace Zhan's mole. It's beautiful, he whispered.

Mrs. Wang drags Yibo. Don't get naughty now. Let's go. Take care of yourself, Zhan, and be a good boy.

Bye Zhan ge, Nana "please take care of my husband'' he screamed.

Everyone was embarrassed for Zhan. Nana chuckled. I told you, don't promise what you can't do. He is serious. You automatically got yourself a husband now. Nana teased Zhan.

It has been 6 years now. Yibo and Zhan call each other every morning and evening, and they see each other every holiday. Zhan has been to Shanghai twice for Yibo's 13th and 15th birthdays.

Yibo is 16 now and Zhan is 21...

Yibo transferred to Peking university from Fudan University in Shanghai since Zhan is in Peking.

Yibo is a freshman while Zhan is in his finals.

Zhan sees Yibo in his school and he is surprised, what are you doing here, Yibo? Zhan asks as he walks up to him.

I transferred here, Zhan ge, and wanted to surprise you. Yibo said.

"Hmmm, how long have you been thinking about it? Zhan asked with stony face "

Last month, Yibo said,

Since last month, you haven't bothered to tell me about it. Zhan frowns.

I'm sorry Zhan ge, I want to surprise you. Yibo pouts.

Come here, Zhan hugs him, now go to class and I will see you during lunch hour.

Yibo looked handsome. Girls and boys were drooling over the new medical student.

Omg, he is gorgeous. Girl number one said, no he is extremely beautiful, a guy said and walked away. Yibo paid no attention to them, "wait until you see my husband,'' Yibo thought. His thoughts are cut short by Yu Bin.

Yibo, Zhan didn't tell us you're here? Are you lost? You bin asks.

Yu Bin, I am heading to the department of medicine. Yibo frowns.

Oh, let me walk you. Wow, you look really beautiful Yubin said,

Yibo just rolls his eyes at him.

Oh we are here, Yubin said

Take care of my husband (ZhanYi)Where stories live. Discover now