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That afternoon, Haikuan flew to Beijing. His heart was in his hands, praying that nothing awry would happen to his crush.

It's been over two hours and Cheng still hadn't woken up, everyone was terrified.

Is it okay if I take him to Shanghai? It shocked everyone, including Zhan, except Nana, who had listened to Kuan whine about Cheng.

A few minutes later, one nurse told them he was awake. Kuan didn't wait for anyone; he sauntered into the ward and hugged Cheng.

"You scared the fuck out of me," he said tearfully.

Kuan, I'm okay. Cheng whispered to him.

I would appreciate it if you followed me to Shanghai. Please let me take care of you. If you are here alone, my mind will not be
at rest. Kuan coaxed him.

"Let the boy rest," Nana said, holding Kuan's shoulder.

Cheng's mother believes he should remain with Kuan until they settle the situation.

Cheng felt considerably better after a week, but he still could not walk. Kuan placed him in a wheelchair before driving him to the airport.

Mr. Jiang hired a private investigator to look into his son's case, but Zhan knew where the attack came from. He took matters into his own hands and vowed to deal with everyone involved.

Lu, Yibo, and Mrs. Wang moved to Canada. Cheng's experience has taught them all to be cautious.

Mrs. Xiao calls them every day, and every time she sees her granddaughter, her heart melts. Mrs. Wang flew back to Shanghai to avoid raising any suspicions.

Zhan didn't know what else to do two days before the big wedding because they didn't have any evidence.

During a conversation with his mother in the kitchen, she asked. Are you planning to buy her an apartment or will she move in with us?

There's no way she can sleep in the bed Yibo and I shared. Zhan mumbles.

His father replied, "Great," because we already bought a house for both of you and I don't want to hear that boy's name from your mouth ever again.

His mom felt a pang in her heart for her precious son.

A picture of  Yibo with a sheepish smile caught Zhan's attention as he was scrolling through social media.

When he looked at the picture again, he zoomed in.

"An engagement between a billionaire son and the hottest boy on campus."

His heart broke when he saw all the pictures and videos posted unanimously.

Streams of tears flowed down his cheeks.
Nothing is clear. He can't make sense of anything. He feels light-headed, yet his head is too heavy to lift. The paradox: This is not the right time. He shut his eyes. This is too much for him.
He can't.
He won't.
He will not make it.
He can't be saved, it's too late. It's far too late.
He is going to die. Oh no,
He's going to die! Please, not yet.
He doesn't want to die.
He doesn't.
Everything is swirling and he can't focus.
With one or two eyes, it makes no difference which direction he looks; the world keeps spinning.
He is unsteady
He feels dizzy.
Even with his eyes closed, he is dizzy.
He was in excruciating pain and wailed out, but he passed out before his parents could get to him.

He woke up before they got to the hospital and asked them to turn back. This was a moment of weakness, and it will not happen again in the future. He said angrily.

What happened to that sweet boy who promised never to love someone else?
What happened to the boy who chased him everywhere? What happened to his husband, who promised he would be loyal?
His heart wailed and struggled, but his appearance was as cold as ice. I did everything I could to keep you safe, and all you could do in return was agree to marry some sick person you didn't know from Adam.

Zhan's mind and heart were in chaos, but he shrugged it off, and that was it. His appearance became cold.

I'm sorry, baby. Mrs. Xiao thought to herself. This was the only way to keep him and your daughter safe, after what happened to Cheng.

To achieve his goals, that sick man would stoop to any level. When they got home, the house seemed cold and different.
This wasn't the plan. In his mind, Mr. Xiao wondered what kind of torture he had subjected his son to.

Maybe after moving on from that boy, he will learn to love her.

No one knew what happened to Zhan. His parents never spoke about it, even between themselves.

I'm not planning to describe the wedding. Y'all should use your imagination. ❣️

The wedding came and passed; Cheng flew from Shanghai to Beijing with Kuan and left the following day. He is still struggling to walk but is a lot stronger than when he left.

He told Zhan that he and Kuan were now a couple, to which Zhan replied, "Happy for you, brother."

Since the incident, Zhan has changed. There is no smile on his face anymore, just a cold demeanor.

Cheng and Kuan knew it was because of the pictures he saw online. Unfortunately, that had to be done, no matter how sorry they felt for him.

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