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Authors pov🦁🐰

It's 3 days to Zhan's graduation, and Yibo ignored him all semester, and joined the school dance group". Hangout with Lan and Song.

Zuocheng never failed to pick him up. Yibo got ready for school as usual and waited for Zuocheng to pick him up, looking hot...

When they got to school, everyone drooled over Yibo. Zhan stood there and heard many people compliment Yibo. Some even said maybe Cheng and Yibo are a couple.

Yibo greeted the boys as usual and ignored Zhan. he didn't even look at him.

Yibo, are you dancing with the group on graduation day? Li Bowen asked.

Not sure yet, Yibo replied. I'll see you later.

Let me walk you to your class Yu Bin offered, but Zuocheng cut him off. Don't worry, I'll do it.

Xuan Lu Jie is coming to our graduation, Zuocheng told Zhan. And walked Yibo to class.!

Zoucheng ge you don't have to wait for me. I've dance practice after school, Yibo said.

It's okay, I'm not doing anything, I'll wait for you. Zuocheng replied.

Okay, thanks, Yibo said.

Zhan and the boys walked to their various classes.

Xiao Zhan's POV ❣️❣️❣️

I didn't even look at him, but he smelt so good. Graduation is in 3 days. Why do I feel restless leaving him alone with Yu Bin and Ziyi?

Lan Yuan and Song Ji are doing well, but I doubt if they can protect him. What should I do? My thoughts were cut short when I heard Zuocheng's voice.

You didn't even look at him. Do you hate him that much? Cheng asked.

"I don't hate him, but I am already engaged. Why would I look at him?"

"Are you sure?'' he asked.

Yes, Zuocheng

Why're you looking like someone kidnapped your bride? He said again.

I'm just worried about a couple of things. It's no big deal.

Don't worry, he'll be fine after graduation, "Cheng whispered"

What makes you think I care about that?

I know you, Zhan. Cheng whispered. I won't be able to go with you to the mall today. Yibo has dance rehearsals after school. I promise to wait for him.

Whatever suits you, dude. I said !


Everyone congratulated the students on their graduations. Awards were given. Everyone looked their best. Xuan Lu came with 4 bouquets for the boys, hugged Zhan, and ruffled his hair. She loves him like a brother.

Everyone gave their graduating speech, people performed, and it was time for the group to dance. Yibo made cornrows just to look different. Everyone screamed when he walked on stage, he wore a black and white round neck polo, cream color jeans, a black, white, and red headband, and a black tummy belt.

Everyone yelled, Yibo, I'm single, Yibo, I love you. Yibo, date me. Yibo, you're too sexy. Yibo, marry me! The flattery kept coming, and Yibo just smiled at them. Until the music started playing and they danced so well. It was the best performance!!! People cheered. They bowed and left the stage.

Yibo came to where the boys sat and he greeted Xuan Lu, you're Wang Yibo right? she asked

Yes, jiejie,  Yibo said.

I have heard a lot about you. I am Cheng's elder sister. They immediately clicked,

Are you going to the after-party? Li Bowen asked Yibo

No, am not he replied

You should come. It'll be. fun Ji Li said.

No, I don't feel like going, Yibo replied.

It's okay, you can go with them. Zuocheng will look after you and drop you back home after the party! But don't drink alcohol OK.

Okay. Lu Jie, he replied!

They all went to the after party. It was fun.

Yibo danced throughout, Yuan and Song went too!!!

Ziyi was there with Zhan, and Zhan just kept drinking and gisting with his friends!!!

Yibo excused himself to use the restroom and when he got back, he went to Zuocheng and said he'll soon leave, then he went back to his friends when Song gave him a cup of drink and said Zhan ge sent someone to bring it for you when you went to the restroom!

His Zhan ge had sent him a cup of drink, and he gulped it down in no time at all, and he continued to dance!

Several minutes later, Yibo started feeling hot, and he requested water, but the water did not work. He staggered into the bathroom to wash his face!

As soon as Yuan noticed, he went to meet Zhan.

'Zhan ge, what did you put in Yibo's drink? I think he is drunk now;' he said.

I don't understand what you mean. What did I put in Yibo's drink? It wasn't me who gave him a drink, Zhan said.

When Yibo went to the restroom, someone brought a drink for him and said it was from you. Lan yelled over the loud music so her could hear.

As soon as they heard that, Zhan stood up immediately to follow Zuocheng and Yuan, along with Song. However, Ziyi pulled him down, grabbed his hand, and held it tightly.

As Yibo walked out of the restroom door, they caught him and took him outside, where the rest of the group was still waiting for them.

It seriously struck Yibo when he saw Ziyi, overjoyed, and staggered toward her as he smirked. Ziyi, looking all glamorous and sexy, I really don't know what to say, but I feel sorry for you. There is nothing more painful than dying for someone who you cannot have. It's exhausting to be amid unrequited love, isn't it? It's impossible for Zhan ge to love you as he loves me, and he will never look at you the way he looks at me! No matter what trick you used to get him, he will NEVER be yours because he is mine!

When he is done with your silly ass, he will come back running to me. Has he ever kissed you before? Oh, no. Have you ever hugged him so tightly that you could feel his heartbeat against yours? I guess that's never going to happen. It's because he prefers me to you. You're just a psycho who desires what she can't have. He doesn't love you, and he will never love you either. You're begging your daddy to set him up for you, aren't you? It won't be long before he returns to my bed and makes sweet love to me.

That's enough now, Yibo. Zhan screamed out in anger,

His gaze drifts toward Zhan whose face is half an inch away. Hmm, Zhan ge, don't you miss my soft touch and kisses?

Yibo, you are totally drunk and talking nonsense. Yu Bin said.

As Cheng stepped closer to Yibo, he held his hand and said, "Let's take you home, you're drunk.".

Just a little reminder, please. Let me tell her one last thing, "Well, I think that the best thing you can do from now on would be to find an older rich man who will help you in your situation and leave my Zhan ge alone." But until then, "please take care of my husband," you delusional bitch. Yibo yelled.

Yuan and Zuocheng dragged him to the car and then drove off.

Ziyi is blown away with anger and just dragged Yu Bin home in a state of constant frustration

There's going to be an interesting twist in this one, Li Brown whispered.

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