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Xiao Zhan's POV

I got a call from Mr. Bin and my heart dropped, but I also gave him conditions. I didn't wait for school to end. I just drove home. However, I didn't know how long I stayed in my room until I heard Nana's voice talking to my mum. I listened to their conversation.

Mrs. Xiao I don't mean to pry in but, Yibo asked me to speak with you, I don't know what happened between him and Zhan yesterday evening after he came to your house. But he came home crying and lost in thought, so I thought maybe they had a fight and he wanted me to speak with you.

Oh my God, he must have overheard us talking last night. We didn't see him, though. We had been meaning to speak with you actually, it's a good thing you came here. Mr. Xiao walk in, and Yibo bowed to greet him.

In her story, Mrs. Xiao explained how her husband made a bad deal, which led to them going bankrupt.

There is no need for you to sign the contract. Nana said, "I will talk to Kuan about partnering with you.".

As soon as I heard Nana make that statement, I left where I was standing and walked "That won't be necessary Nana, dad, you can sign the contract, Ziyi will pick a date for the engagement, and I will get married to her post graduation." I said in one go without flinching, although my heart ached from the words I uttered.

What? Everyone asked, confused. It broke my heart to see Yibo cry, but this has to go on. That's why we must carry on regardless of how much we are going through.

As for you, Zhan, Yibo loves you, and I think that it's better to be with him than Ziyi. There's something about that family that doesn't settle well with me. My mum said.

With an unfriendly smirk on my face, I said to her, "I cannot love Yibo the same way he loves me." As I barely said his name, he could not help but cry more heavily.

I do not understand what you mean when you say that you can't love Yibo as he loves you. My dad asked.

I see Yibo as my little brother and I cannot love him as a husband; I said with an unreadable expression on my face.

It's hard to believe when you've been leading him on all this while. I gave you a warning six years ago not to promise him something you aren't capable of, didn't I? Nana hissed.

"I never thought he was serious about the prospect of marrying me," I said bitterly at that moment.

Zhan ge, what are you trying to say to me? As tears rolled down his cheeks, he whispered softly.

There is no love in my heart for you, Yibo. I only see you as a baby brother.

But we kissed yesterday, which came out as a whisper.

You begged for it, remember? You asked me if you could kiss me that one time...

But you looked at me lovingly. His eyes widen in surprise as he stares at me.

I realized you were suffering from a stomachache and I took pity on you, but nothing more. Yibo, I don't have any feelings for you at all. I blurted.

There's no need to marry me as long as you don't sign the contract. You can partner with Kuan ge, Yibo said as he walked out of our house with Nana.

The hurt has shattered my heart. I'm so sorry fluffy, I wish there was something I could do. I am very sorry. I thought before going to my room.

::: Wang's Pov.

How Zhan ge broke my heart was something I could not imagine. I felt my heartbreak like crazy. Zhan ge doesn't love me, he doesn't have feelings for me, he only kissed me because I asked for it, he pity me, I Couldn't control my tears, I should talk to zhan ge, I'm so confused, this minute he is sweet with me and the next minute he is cold. It makes me want to walk in the garden; I feel like I'm being suffocated by it. I walked out of the house to go to the garden but I found myself in front of Zhan ge's house. I could hear laughter. Ziyi was with the boys. I turned back to leave when I saw Cheng ge and Zhan ge.

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