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Three months later, Ziyi found out she was pregnant, and it wasn't for Zhan. She panicked and called Li.

We need to talk. Ziyi hissed, sounding scared on the phone.

"Meet me at our usual spot," Li replied, before hanging up the phone.

A few hours later.
I'm pregnant, Li. Ziyi snapped at him.

Is that what's making you so tense? Li glared at her with a scowl.

Isn't it enough to be scared? He hasn't touched me in 9 months since we were married. She bemoaned.

It's easy. It's Friday, so I know the dunce will get drunk when he gets home. Follow him into his room and coerce him into having sex with you. Case resolved. Li grinned at his intelligence.

Will it work? Ziyi asked curiously.

Yes, Li frowns at her.

What if he refuses and kicks me out? Ziyi asks again.

Use whatever means you can. Li is beginning to get irritated by her stupid questions. And just pulls her close to him and makes love to her.

Zhan hadn't returned from work when Ziyi got home that night. As soon as she walked into her room, she took a hot shower, wore a sexy nightgown, and waited for him in the living room. His room was locked.

When Zhan walks in around 2 am, he sees Ziyi pretending to sleep on the sofa. Seeing him walk back to his room, Ziyi frowns.

Zhan stripped and headed to the bathroom.

Ziyi immediately entered his room, dimmed the lights, and lay in bed. Zhan walked out of the bathroom with a short, lying beside her unaware someone was in his bed.

He was dozing off in his drunk state when Ziyi whispered to him, "Zhan ge, did you miss me?"."

Zhan flinched and Ziyi immediately held him down and kissed him. "Make love to me, Zhan ge," she whispered again.

Yibo? Zhan gasped, but she didn't answer. She just kisses him.

After finishing, Zhan slept off, and Ziyi stood up to leave, but slept back. It would be nice if he could see her in bed with him whenever he awoke.

Around 10 am, he woke up naked, arms wrapped around someone sleeping peacefully on his chest. Suddenly, he jerked away, waking her up.

What the fuck are you doing in my room? He shrieked.

What do you mean? As Ziyi asks, she sounds sleepy.

He kicked her off his bed and dragged her out of his room. Shutting the door behind her.

She laughed and walked to her room.

She texted Li, "Done". She laughed hysterically and headed for the shower.

Zhan hated himself for what he had done. How did she get into my bed? As he tried to connect the dots of what happened, he only got fragments. For hours, he scrubbed his body, cried, and left the house.

Zhan hadn't been home for 2 months, Ziyi wasn't bothered. This gave her freedom to engage in sexual activity with Li. They even spent the weekend together at her matrimonial home. Ziyi was unaware that Zhan always came home late and left early in the morning, knowing everything she did to him. At the moment, he wasn't in the mood for anything. Before he deals with them all, he wants to stabilize his father's company.

Yibo has returned to school and is doing very well. His nanny is also taking proper care of his daughter, which gladdens his heart. Lu comes to check on them from time to time.

A few years later, Ziyi's son was hospitalized due to a serious illness. He needed a blood transfusion, according to the doctor.

It would be a smart idea to call his father and let him know what happened. Zhan said goodbye to Ziyi and left the hospital.

Ziyi trembled where she stood, in a state of astonishment. How long had he known? She whispered to herself. Immediately, she called Li to inform him.

We'll take care of him. "I'm on my way to the hospital," Li said.

He got a blood transfusion, and after a few days, he was discharged. Ziyi was scared to go home but was surprised when Zhan came to pick them up. The drive home was silent and uncomfortable before Ziyi spoke.

H-how long have you known? She asked, sounding scared.

Zhan didn't respond.

How long have you known? Angry and irritated, Ziyi asked again.

You want to dry your dirty laundry outside in front of your son. Are you sure you want to do that? Zhan asked, not looking at her.

A feeling of embarrassment crossed Ziyi's face as he said, "He's sleeping.".

After 9 months of marriage, I wondered why you sneaked into my bed. That was not the first time I came home drunk, so you have to be desperate. I put a video recorder in your room. I watched everything you and your boyfriend did and said. There was no anger or joy in his voice; it was just cold.

Ziyi exhaled and gulped hard. I'm sorry. He blackmailed me. She mumbled.

Laughing evilly, Zhan said. I'm certain your father taught him how to do this.

Zhan, I'm serious. It's unclear where he came up with all the information about my dad, but he told me to either be with him or my dad would go to jail. This is not something I want to see happen to him.

The car abruptly stopped in the middle of the road, and Zhan's eyes widened in shock. Repeat what you just said.

I am with him mainly because I am trying to get the files, but that slim bastard is cunning. When she played the first recording he sent her, Zhan smiled evilly at her.

So it is this bastard who attacked Cheng and left him for dead. The same bastard called me to tell me he was in the hospital. It is no wonder that all their searches failed. He never thought Li had the balls to do something so vile. His mind wandered. Laughing like a loon

Ziyi, however, wants to kill two birds with one stone.

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