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Xiao Zhan's POV ❣️❣️❣️

Zhan, can you explain why Yibo called you his husband in the cafeteria during lunch today? With his stoic voice, my dad asked.

Dad, Yibo helped me out of a situation. One girl has been crushing on me for two years now, harassing me everywhere. Yibo just helped me chase her away, and honestly, I loved it. Zhan smiled.

I hope it's just that, because Ziyi has been crying since she heard Yibo say you're his husband. My dad said.

"What has Ziyi's cry got to do with Zhan?" my mom asked, raising her eyebrows.

Well, I have been waiting for a perfect time to tell you, but I think this is it. I made a bad deal and now the company is bankrupt. It's not known to the public yet, just within the company. Mr. Bin gave me a contract. In the agreement, Zhan has to marry his daughter. My dad said sadly.

W-what? Both my mum and I stared at him in shock. That can't be right, my mom said.

I was speechless. I just cried and walked out of the house.

"Why did you accept the contract without asking him first?." Mrs. Xiao asked angrily.

I have not signed it yet. Mr. Xiao said.

Good, return it and I'll talk with Nana tomorrow, Mrs. Xiao said.

Zhan walked to Yibo's house but didn't enter the mansion. He just stood there and cried his eyes out. " He remembered how passionate the kiss they shared was. Yibo kissed him with so much affection " and that made him cry more.

"I just realised I love Yibo as much as he loves me ," Zhan thought.

I wiped my tears and knocked on their gate, walked in, and went straight to Yibo's room. I opened his door gently and entered. "He was curled up in bed playing a game on his phone he raises his head when he sees me."

Zhan ge '' he smiled.

Hi, fluffy, can I sleep here tonight? I whispered.

"He gestures for me to come with his hand and pulls the blanket down for me to lie behind him. " I crawled in and I cuddled him so tight,

Are you okay ge? He asks, sounding concerned.

Yes. fluffy, I have never been better, I took a long sniff on his neck "you smell like sandalwood, it's really intoxicating "

I love you so much, Yibo. My thought was cut short when I heard his voice.

Did you speak with your dad? He asked. I could sense the fear in his voice.

Yes, I did, it's nothing serious. We will talk about it in the morning, okay? I said with a reassuring smile. Okay, Zhan ge, and he snuggled more into me.

You're so warm he whispered

I tightened my grip on him and we slept off. I woke up around 6 am, kissed Yibo's forehead, and left.

Got home and saw my mum sleeping on the couch. She must have slept there while waiting for me. Once I entered the house, sadness crawled back in and I just walked to my room and locked the door.

Authors Pov🦁🐰

When Yibo woke up, he didn't see Zhan. He felt disappointed, but also understood why he had to leave so early. Nana must not see him. He blushed and giggled boyishly, got ready, and left for school.

He waited in front of Zhan's class for almost an hour, and his number wasn't reachable when he called him. What are you doing here? Zuocheng asked when he saw Yibo standing in front of Zhan's class.

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