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Zhan doesn't want to deal with Li, so he told Cheng, and Kuan told  him not to do anything to him. Cheng was upset but listened to his boyfriend.

After Cheng recovered, they got married in a low-key ceremony. Zhan  didn't attend as he was unwell, only his mom and Nana attended. But he sent  his gifts and Cheng understood.  

Kuan completed all of his investigation a year later. He got one guy, Kuan tortured the truth out of him, and Li was the one  who shot Cheng. Kuan couldn't live with that. What if he had killed  him? Taking matters into his own hands, Li's car brake failed as he drove home from work one day. Before they could rush him to the hospital, he died.

As Zhan's illness worsened, they rushed him to the hospital. The doctor said that there was nothing wrong with him after a series of tests, but how would someone cough out blood? It baffled them, but the doctor said that he should reduce his alcohol consumption and make healthy lifestyle choices.

I will eat, Zhan said as he got up from the chair and shut the door, leaving his mom behind.

Mrs. Xiao asks the doctor if he needs to avoid certain foods or follow any specific diet.

No, he should just eat healthy and stop drinking alcohol for now.  I will talk to a few specialists and send his results to them.

Okay, doctor thank you, Mrs. Xiao, said just before leaving the hospital.

He was waiting for her in the car when she hopped in and held his hand. I'll talk to a few specialists and we'll take it from there, okay? Tears streamed down her throat as she spoke.

Okay, mom, Zhan squeezes her hand.

After a few months, the doctor recommends a few specialists. He shows up for all the appointments that Mrs. Xiao schedules for him, not wanting to disappoint her.

Before he stopped going, he had an appointment with a woman in her late 20s. Once she saw her patient, she lost all  morale and drooled. In addition to her tan skin, she has curly hair and beautiful gray eyes. She is tall and curvy.

He was undergoing a series of tests with a bare chest when she forgot she was working and started caressing his chest with her long nails, initially he thought it was just part of the test until she started licking her lips and unconsciously squeezed her breasts. Zhan jolted and she flinched back to reality.

Shit, shit, fuck, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, she mumbled and ran out of the room.

Zhan wore his clothes and left the hospital 

As soon as his mother found out what had happened. She was upset but forced him to consult with another male specialist, but he assured her he would be fine.

Mrs. Xiao felt it was time for Zhan to search for his true love. Every time she sees her son, he looks gloomy and deprived of everything he cherishes.

Baking his favorite cookies and fresh mango juice, she sits beside him on the couch and drops the tray in front of his lap.

Zhan, why don't you take a vacation? She smiles at him.

As soon as I return from Canada, I have an urgent meeting. At the meeting, I will discuss how our company will become one of the richest in Beijing after I land the contract. As he munches on the cookies in his hand.

Oh, okay that's great. Have you booked the hotel you are staying in?

Yes, mom, we have.

Hmmm, she just hums and they ate in silence.


Yibo graduated as a medical doctor. He got a good job in one of the leading hospitals in Canada. His daughter is 8 years old and attends school not far from his workplace. Occasionally, he still retained his nanny, as he didn't want to leave her alone at home while Liam also works as a computer analyst during the day. They're more like  family now but no boundaries were crossed.

When Liam's girlfriend is less busy, she helps babysit Pearl. Over time, they developed a liking for each other.

•••• Yibo's Pov.

Pearl, where would you like to go for your birthday tomorrow?

Promise you will take me there? She grinned while lying on my lap.

Anything for you sweetheart, just say the word and it's yours.

Do you remember where we celebrated my 6th birthday?

Hmmm, how can I forget, baby doll?

I want to go there, she smiled brightly, just like her father.

That's two hours away from here sweetheart, have you considered your aunt or your cousin? I ask stroking her thick tresses.

Papa please, please she whined.

Okay, I will talk to your aunt Lu and Liam and also take a day off from work, so I will be with you the whole day.

Yaaaaay, she squeaked hugging me. I love you, Papa. She says as she peppers my face with kisses.

I love you more baby doll. Giggling at her kisses.

As soon as I texted Lu and Liam, they agreed quickly, making me feel like the whole thing was planned.

My daughter's birthday is tomorrow, I told the hospital supervisor that I would take the day off. In his usual fashion, he flirts with me and sometimes gives me chills. He has been on my neck for two years and he doesn't want to give up.

Big sister is coming tomorrow but mother and Kuan ge with his husband are coming tonight. I can't wait to catch up with them, I miss them so much. The last time mother saw Pearl was when she was 6 years old. When Kuan ge and Cheng ge got married, they spent their honeymoon here. They used the opportunity to stay with us for a week out of the two weeks, they stayed. I was so happy to see them together, they deserve each other.

I haven't told Pearl they're coming, I want it to be a surprise.

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