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I'll speak with your parents about the wedding preparations. I'm glad we are getting this behind us! Mr. Bin smiled

I'm glad we understand each other, Mr. Bin Zhan said.

I'm only protecting Yibo, Mr. Bin. I'll soon dig out all the things you are trying to hide. Zhan thought,

I'll head home now and talk to Ziyi!

Have a good day!!

When Li Bowen heard Ziyi would get married next month, he couldn't believe everything he had been trying to do wasn't working! Let's see how far you can push yourself. Yibo

He is still horrified by what he heard from Zhan. He pulled his hair, called him stupid, a stalker, punched him, and announced his engagement to Ziyi the following month.

Everything felt like a scene from a movie, but why did he apologize before punching me?

Why not spend a few days in Shanghai and try to relax? Nana said,

"I'm okay, Nana," Yibo responded with a congested nose.

Don't worry, what's yours will come back to you. "If it's not yours, it won't stay, no matter what you do" Yibo just kept staring at his grandmother with his glassy eyes.

Nana, Zhan ge said he would marry me, and he isn't even trying to stop the arranged marriage. What is the extent of his dislike for me?

Love, don't worry about it. Give him time. Nana said

A sorrowful look crossed Yibo's face as he whispered, "The wedding is in a month!"

Haikuan found Mr. Bin's lawyer. He said it was halfway to the truth. He called Zhuocheng to tell him, "I'll find the accountant soon and all this mystery will be behind us!"

How is Yibo holding up? Kuan asked,

Managing as best as he could. Cheng replied.

Please take care of my brother until this mess is over. Haikuan pleaded!

When Zhuocheng told Xuan Lu what Zhan did to Yibo, she was very upset about it. Why would he hit the fragile Yibo because of that mannerless brat? She called Zhan and told him never to talk to her again unless he apologized to Yibo for the way he treated him.

I can't, Jie, Zhan replied, "Then don't talk to me ever again!" And then she ended the call!

Three days before Zhan's wedding, the boys hosted a bachelor party for him!!

Li Bowen went to Yu Bin's house to chill before the party!! While he was looking for the cloned phone, He was frustrated when he didn't find it!

They left the house around 7 p.m.

All the boys met at the Bulgari Beijing hotel lounge. It was well decorated, drinks were surplus, and the food was good!

They partied nonstop!

Zhuocheng was there even though he was upset with Zhan about his behavior towards Yibo!

At 10 p.m., some of the boys were already pretty drunk, while others were still fine. Li Bowen gave the server a tip and asked him to bring Zhan a drink.

Zhan was thinking about how Mr. Bin always got away from him when he tried to catch him, so he didn't notice when he took the drink from the server and started drinking from it.

Xuan Lu is at Yibo's house, comforting the poor boy who can't stop crying because Zhan ge's wedding is coming up in a few days. When his phone rang,

"Is this Wang Yibo?"

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