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Mother, Kaun ge, and Cheng ge arrived past midnight. Pearl was sleeping. The moment I saw them, I was so excited.

As if I was a lost dog, mom hugged and sniffed me.

Mom, please stop doing that, I whispered, but she tightened her embrace. Then she gave me one last long hug and kissed my forehead, saying, "I miss my adorable puppy."

After showing them to their rooms, I retired to Pearl's room to sleep.

As soon as I woke up in the morning, I sneaked out of the room trying not to wake her up. My mom was already working in the kitchen. I knew her pancakes and bacon were always going to be the most delicious. As I grabbed a bite of this yummy breakfast, I moaned and closed my eyes.

When Pearl walked in, she couldn't contain her excitement. We ate breakfast and gave her gifts.

2 hours later, we started getting ready to go to the restaurant. I wore dark blue jeans and a black blueberry shirt. Pearl looked gorgeous in her pink Cinderella gown. Everyone looked good, to be honest, and Kuan ge couldn't take his eyes off Cheng ge.

We never talked about Zhan ge, but Pearl knows everything about him. She's got a picture of him on her dress mirror.

We hired a limousine that can accommodate all five of us, and I am looking forward to enjoying myself and not worrying about driving.

We left the house at noon and got there at 3 pm. Upon arrival, my supervisor, Liam and his girlfriend had already arrived with gifts. I can't seem to get that man to stop bothering me.

The man whispered to me as he hugged Pearl, "You look gorgeous.".

Cheng ge didn't stop teasing me about him. And not long after Lu Jie and her husband with their son walked in.

We ordered Pearl's favorite dish for her and we ordered ours as well. It took a while for the food to arrive, but the starters never stopped coming.

Oh, no more. The whole group laughed at Pearl, screaming that if we keep eating this, we won't be able to eat the main course.

When the food arrived, she laughed and rubbed her palms together. Oh, finally she mumbled.

An hour and a half later, we all finished eating and it was already 5 p.m.

We were talking and laughing when suddenly Pearl mumbled to herself and ran outside the restaurant. I and Liam followed behind her when we saw her standing and holding her dress up, looking gloomy as she stood.

Taking a deep breath, I crouched down to her! What's the matter? I was so scared.

A sigh escaped her lips as she looked at me pitifully, nothing papa, although I thought I saw someone I recognized.

I just kissed her forehead and carried her inside.

'Oh, poor child,' my mother muttered.

Liam and his girlfriend took Pearl and Jin to the kid's section to play and take a few pictures while we just sat there, drank, and talked about everything.

My supervisor wouldn't stop staring at me. It was beginning to make me uncomfortable. But I didn't let it affect my daughter's birthday. We stayed for two more hours before leaving. By that time, the kids were tired and sleepy. Pearl fell asleep as soon as we entered the car. I was tipsy, the last time I had alcohol like this was in Beijing, Zhan ge's graduation. In my nostalgic state, my mouth slipped accidentally.

Cheng ge, how is Zhan ge? They all looked at me like I had horns growing on my head.

My mom nudged him with her elbow to keep him quiet. I was sulking when I heard Kuan ge's voice. He is fine. What happened that made you remember him today? He asks looking excited and surprised.

Have always thought about him. I don't just dare to ask how he is doing, I raise my head to look at him. I heard Pearl mumble "dad" before running out of the restaurant this afternoon. And I can't seem to take it off my mind. I held back tears as they threatened to fall from my eyes.

Hmmm, I thought I was the only one who heard her, Cheng ge said, as he held my hands and rubbed them. I did not say anything because we swore not to mention his name to you. However, now that you've asked about him. I will tell you everything. Zhan is not married to Meng anymore, and Li Bowen almost killed me. He caused a lot of trouble and blackmailed Meng. They have a son together. Zhan found out and broke off the marriage. As a comfort, he turned to alcohol. However, presently he is sick, and when I spoke to him two days ago, he said he didn't want to see any doctor.

No matter how many times I wipe my eyes, tears continue to flow. What is the nature of his illness and why did he refuse to go to the hospital? I couldn't help but ask.

He wants to die because anyone that does not have a death wish will try and find out what is wrong with them. However, Zhan doesn't even care, his mom is the one that is always forcing him to go to the hospital. Doctors didn't even know what was wrong with him.

What? I yelled, waking Pearl. Papa, are you okay? She asks rubbing her eyes.

Yes, baby, I'm fine, go back to sleep. She immediately slept off again.

Mrs. Xiao calls all the time to speak with Pearl. She even called this morning but didn't tell me anything about Zhan ge. I feel so sad, my chest hurts like a bitch. I will ask her to bring him to the hospital, without telling him he is coming to see me. Omg, I won't forgive myself if anything happens to him. The ride back home was silent and no one bothered to say anything. I thought of a million things that could be wrong with Zhan ge but I shook it off my head. Mrs. Xiao has to bring him and if he refuses I will go and drag him down here myself.

We got home around 10 pm. Pearl had her shower and went straight to bed. Cheng ge tried to comfort me but it just wasn't working. I couldn't control how I was feeling. I dialed Mrs. Xiao's number and she picked it up in one ring.

Yibo, why are you crying, is everything alright? You never call so late at night.

Why... didn't... you... tell me about Zhan ge's illness, mother. I cried uncontrollably.

Take care of my husband (ZhanYi)Where stories live. Discover now