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Yibo's pov

When I heard about Cheng ge, I was devastated, but I'm glad he's alive and with Kuan ge. Mr. Bin is a slim man. In anger, I shook my head.

Six months have passed since we moved to Canada, and I have not been disappointed. It's a 3-bedroom with a comfortable living room, a double garage, upper floor laundry, an enormous kitchen, a dining table, and a backyard garden.

Xuan Lu is married, and she's moving to the USA with her husband tomorrow night.

"Big baby, stop brooding." Her voice was soft as ever, coming from behind me.

I'm not moping, sister; I will miss you terribly. My voice is tinged with tears as I speak.

I will miss you and Pearl so much, too. We are 4 hours away. I promise to visit you every month.

She said shyly that soon, Pearl would have a baby sister or brother to play with.

Omg, big sis, you're pregnant? I screamed with excitement and hugged her.

She smiled and ruffled my hair. "Yes, I am."

Aww, congrats, big sister. I said again, smiling from ear-to-ear.

"Come with me," she said, "we have people waiting for us to interview from the nanny agency."

When we got to the living room, five people were waiting for us in the garden.

Big sis asked them to come in one after the other, and the interview was brief, and we told them we would get back to them.

When the last guy came in, he was in his mid-30s if I am not mistaken, tall, with blond hair, chiseled cheeks, and brown almond eyes.

When he saw Pearl, she cooed at him, and he hauled her out of big sister's arms, and she giggled with him, and they clicked immediately.

We will get back to you Liam, "big sister smiled at him."

Okay, Mrs. Jin, he replied. His voice was deep and sounded like he had just woken up.

Big sis said he is gentle with kids and if I am comfortable having a man around me, then I should settle for him. He knows the job and his resume is impressive.

Okay, big sister, I trust your judgement, "I said to her.

Being around other guys is not a problem for me. No one interests me. I thought. My heart broke when I thought about Zhan ge, but I believe it's for the best that we aren't together.

After Liam returned to work a week later, I was relieved of night duty and diaper change.

Having transferred my previous university documents to Kuan ge, I registered at a new university here, which is an hour away from where I live.


Zhan and Ziyi moved in together in their 4-bedroom apartment, but they slept in separate rooms. The room further down the house was the one Zhan stayed in.
A spacious king-size bed was in the middle of the room, with a closet and curtains that matched the headboard of the bed.

He doesn't need to do much in the room; all he does is sleep and go to work in the morning.

Zhan started working at his dad's company while Ziyi works at her dad's. Once in a while, he will go to his in-law's company.

6 months into the marriage and Zhan never kissed Ziyi, let alone slept with her.

She was getting frustrated when her phone rang.

Her voice sounded irritated as she said, "Hello.".

Hello, Ziyi, this is Li, sounding enthusiastic about speaking.

Yes, what do you want from me? She said

Can we see when you leave work? "He blushed.

I'm busy Li. Please don't bother me with any of your nonsense. She said and ended the call.

A few minutes later, he sent her a voice message.

As soon as she heard it, she called him back right away.

"That's a smart girl," he replied, and we no longer need to see and talk. I will just say what I want to say on the phone.

Your father's company was bankrupt, and they forged documents and blackmailed the Xiao's. That's clever.

I don't care if you're married or not, but whenever I need you I will call. You can't refuse me because if you do, I'm heading to the Xiao's residence with all the files with me and guess who will rot in jail? Your father, He laughed evilly and ended the call.

What kind of bad luck do I have? Ziyi hissed and scattered everything on her table.

Ziyi sought consolation in Li, whilst Zhan found solace in drink.

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